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我有月台幕门都作出。I have the psds all made.

到月台去该怎么走?How can I go to the platform?

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这班火车在第几号月台?What track number is this train?

新泰安站的高架月台和站构。The platform of new Tai-An Station.

它在月台的中间。It's in the middle of this platform.

火车将停在哪一个月台?At what platform does the train come?

请注意,月台经已装上月台幕门。Platform screen doors are now in use.

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那班火车停在第二月台。The train was standing at platform 2.

你要到对面的月台才对。You need to go to the opposite platform.

你能告诉我到月台外教口语陪练怎么走吗?Could you tell me how to go to the platform?

乘客下车时,请小心月台与车厢间之间的空隙。Please mind the platform gap when alighting.

恒安站将采用中置式月台。Heng On Station will have an island platform.

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所有南下的列车都从第一月台开出。All southbound trains leave from platform one.

我要在第几月台等火车?。On which platform should I wait for the trin ?

他在获吹站的月台上走来剡去·…He was walking up and down the station platform.

他在火车站的月台上走来走去。He was walking up and down the station platform.

我们将提供全图形界面图和月台幕门。We will provide the whole GUI diagrams and PSDs.

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从成都来的164次车进哪个月台?。What platform do the 164 from chengdu arrive at?

他在获吹站的月台上走来剡去·…词形变化。he was walking up and down the station platform.

您只砍了他们在月台幕门。You will just have to chop up the psds they made.