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以下是编选的采访对话。An edited transcript of the interview follows.

这本散文集是埃伦•奈特编选的。This collection of essays is edited by Ellen Knight.

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权威人士认为,很有必要专为学龄前儿童编选一套该类图书。Authoritative view, it is necessary for pre-school children select and edit such a book.

本课程特色是编选了一些有机光电方面的课堂讲义和实验。This course features a selection of lecture notes and labs related to organic optoelectronics.

为恭贺先生八十华诞,我们编选一组文章,以展示先生的学术风范。To congratulating on his eightieth birthday, this article selects and edits a group of his works.

△凡发表于本刊的文字、图片,本刊均拥有编选、出版权。This journal has the right to select and publish the writings and pictures published in this journal.

将趣味性列入课文编选的标准体系是必要的和适宜的。It is necessary and appropriate that the interest should he listed into the standard system of the text compiling.

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在这些基础上进而提出了高中教材中古代作品的编选原则和建议。Then we proposed the compilation principles and the suggestions for the ancient prose in senior high school textbooks.

兹就该书的编选旨趣略作一番考察,冀为进一步研究清代地方类诗歌总集提供具体的参考。This article attempts to explore its compilation intents, in order to provide reference for the research of local poem collections.

明代人编选明代诗歌总集始于开国之初,一直延续到明朝末年,伴随整个明王朝的始终。From initial stage to late stage in Ming dynasty, the general collection of poems of Ming dynasty had being compiled by the people of Ming dynasty.

从萧统、萧纲兄弟文学活动差异成因的角度将两者的编选动机联系起来进行对比分析的文章却是罕有。But very few articles contrasts the motives for the compilations in order to look for the reasons of the two brothers'differences in literature activities.

新课标背景下,如何从课程理论的角度对体育教材编选提出建设性的意见是本文的论题。In the aspect of curriculum theory, this paper mainly discussed, on the background of the new curriculum criteria, how PE teaching materials should be compiled.

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语文教材是语文课程改革的关键之一,范文作为语文教材的主体部分,是语文教材编选的核心。Chinese teaching material is one of the keys of Chinese course reform, while modal essays are the main body of the teaching material and the core of the compilation.

为支持自己的观点,他刊载谎言,伪造文献,编选暴力故事,写煽动性的社论,出版蛊惑人心的卡通和照片。He printed lies, forged documents, falsified stories of violence, wrote provocative editorials, and published sensational cartoons and photographs to support his opinions.

据沈阳市交警支队副支队长孙成华介绍,此次自编选号将启用“第三位是字母,其余是数字”的机动车号牌序号组成方式。The deputy head of STPD Sun Chenghua introduced that the principle for individualized car tags is "English letter for the third position of tag, and other four are numbers".

他编译的中国文学选集摘译并编选了中国几千年以来的经典著作,其中包括诗歌、散文、唐传奇、信件、中国传统文学理论和戏剧等。In his anthology, representative Chinese classics from various genres, such as poetry, prose, T'ang tales, letters, traditional literary theories, and dramas are translated into English.

从所选诗人的生活年代看,大致可推定此集的编选年代最晚不晚于天宝末年。From the living time of the poets who were selected , by and large , we can conclude that the compilation time of this collection is not later than the last years of the Tianbao at the latest.

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此间诗歌传播中的酬唱赠答、歌妓乐工传唱、题壁与编选诗文集等活动都为诗歌的传播起了积极的推动作用。Such activities as responding to a poem with a poem, singsong girls and musicians' singing, inscribing a poem on a wall and compiling an anthology of poems all accelerated the diffusion of poetry.