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审慎的顾虑几乎被猖狂的欲念窒息。Is almost choked by unresisted lust.

不要太猖狂吧,太猖狂就没有好下场。Don't be too crazy, so crazy will come to no good end.

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前方形势严峻,后方敌特猖狂。Front of the situation is grim, furious behind enemy agents.

我姓坚名强,只要没死就还能笑的猖狂。My name is Kennedy name, if not dead can still laugh rampant.

噢,三个月前,我们一起加入了猖狂英语集训营。Oh, we attended Crazy English Camp together three months ago.

作弊和分数贬值猖狂而且被默许。Cheating and grade inflation are rampant and quietly tolerated.

今天春风猖狂地吹起旋舞,把尘土和枯叶都扫走了。Spring winds today are blowing in wild eddies, driving dust and dead leaves away.

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如果没有大红伞的庇护,这些罪犯不会如此猖狂。The criminals wouldn't be so savage if they weren't protected by powerful people.

在乔布斯生前,这种现象很猖狂,在他死时,达到最盛。It was rampant in the life of Jobs, and at his death it achieved a kind of apogee.

在上世纪90年代中期饥荒最严重的时期,物物交换贸易在朝鲜非常“猖狂”。Barter trade ran wild in North Korea in the mid-1990s, at the height of the famine.

的确有过那么一小撮战争贩子曾经发出过如此猖狂的战争叫嚣。There used to be indeed a handful of warmongers who had ever made such wild war clamor.

此刻,加勒比海盗们仍在猖狂地绑架船只并收受赎金。Yet the pirates are still hijacking ships and receiving ransoms with apparent impunity.

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除了连环杀人犯和食人魔,他还是个变态、猖狂的恋童癖者。Besides being an admitted serial killer and cannibal, he was also a rampant pedophile and a deviant.

我军是否要筹备在日本深山老林的要塞中与那些猖狂的抵御到底分子进行战役?Would our army have to prepare to fight desperate bitter-enders in every mountain fastness of Japan?

室内环境专家透露,夏季是甲醛挥发最“猖狂”的季节。Indoor environment expert discloses, the summer is formaldehyde volatilizes most " savage " seasonal.

绑架索财变得如此猖狂以至于许多中产阶层和富裕阶层举家逃往美国。Kidnapping for ransom got so bad that many wealthy and middle-class families fled to the United States.

美国政府的扶蒋反共政策,说明了美国反动派的猖狂。Government's policy of supporting Chiang Kai-shek against the Communists shows the brazenness of the U. S.

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风暴在无路的天空中飘游,船舶在无轨的海上破碎,死亡在猖狂,孩子们却在游戏。Tempest roams in the pathless sky, ships get wrecked in the trackless water, death is abroad and children play.

美国政府的扶蒋反共政策,说明了美国反动派的猖狂。The U. S. government's policy of supporting Chiang Kai-shek against the Communists shows the brazenness of the U.

要进攻强敌,必先助长它的恃强蛮横,使他更加猖狂自大。Now in order to attack the strong, you must nurture their arrogance, and increase them to make them even more extended.