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所有运动装备都打了对折。All sports equipment is half off.

什么时候开始打对折?。When does your half-off sale start?

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抢不到的实惠,打对折销售哦!Do not grab benefits, half price sale!

我觉得冷,我把毯子对折起来了。I felt cold and doubled the blanket over.

这家百货公司把商品价格打了对折。The department store has reduced its prices by half.

亚历克斯。李可以把一张纸对折至少七次。Alex Lee can fold a piece of paper more than 7 times.

然后把纸对折裁开,再对折裁开。So then I cut the paper in half, and then half again.

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你的信用卡就像一件打对折的羊毛大衣。Your store card is like a 50 percent-off cashmere coat.

把铁丝对折做出折痕,然后打开。fold the wire in half to create a sharp crease, then unfold.

你要是把信纸对折,就可以装进信封了。If you fold the letter in two, it will fit into the envelope.

我们用羹匙把果酱抹在面包上,再把面包对折,做成果酱三文治。We spooned jelly onto bread and folded it over into sandwiches.

对折的纸板就构成了羊羔的背和尾巴。The fold forms the back of the lamb and runs all along the tail.

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任何一张干燥的方型纸片都无所不能被对折超过7次以上。No piece of not dry can be folded abundance dawn 7 times in half.

将腰带沿长轴中线对折,背面朝里。Fold the belt in half the long way, with wrong sides folded inward.

把喙对折,用缝纫机固定在身体上。Stitch the beak, folded in half, to the owl with your sewing machine.

如果想要剪出一颗不会歪歪扭扭的爱心,就先把纸对折好再剪。To cut out a heart that's not crooked , fold the paper in half first.

将两张24英寸长的锡纸呈十字对折,再打开。Fold two 24-inch lengths of aluminum foil in half crosswise, and unfold.

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将裤子竖着对折,让两条裤腿并在一起,然后平放在熨衣板上。Fold the pants lengthwise to line up the legs, then lay pants on the board.

能使你的钱翻倍的最简捷的方法是把它对折起来然后放回到你的钱包里。The fastest way to double your money is to fold it up and put it back to your wallet.

早期的四开本和首页对折文章的作业将使用因特网正文和传真。Assignments in early quartos and First Folio texts will use internet texts and facsimiles.