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你的话我听得清清楚楚。I hear you loud and clear.

慢慢说,生活讲究清清楚楚,明明白白。Say it slow, make things clear.

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现在案情已经清清楚楚了。The case is now absolutely clear.

连一个清清楚楚的梦都不给我吗?Even a clear dreams don't give me?

我记得清清楚楚他姓王。I registered that his surname was Wang.

事实清清楚楚,不容抵赖。The facts are clear and brook no denial.

可以清清楚楚、从从容容的望着你。Can clearly, the leisurely looking at you.

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我清清楚楚看到达西先生跟她说话的。I certainly saw Mr. Darcy speaking to her.

白底绿线,数据清清楚楚地摆在那。The data is right there in white and green.

他清清楚楚地看见一条丁字街,横在他眼前。He saw clearly a T-street to across before him.

清清楚楚的语言的大敌是伪善。The great enemy of clear language is insincerity.

他清清楚楚地看见一条丁字街,横在他眼前。Clearly he saw a T-crossing, lying in front of him.

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他的实验报告写得清清楚楚。He had his experiment report all written out neatly.

这个词的解释小注里写得清清楚楚。The meaning of this word is clearly explained in the notes.

我知道的清清楚楚,但我没有去走,你知道为什么?Without exception I knew but I never took it. You know why?

从我在达沃斯听过的几场讨论中这一点清清楚楚。This is clear from several discussions I have heard in Davos.

埃里克让我直走到门口,尽管门上标得清清楚楚。Eric walked me right to the door, though it was clearly marked.

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我相信在那圣洁无尚的某处,某个人正在清清楚楚地听着。I believe that someone in the great somewhere hears every word.

就把柘的意思表达得清清楚楚了。These two parts themselves clearly set off the meaning of the word.

今后的自由清清楚楚地展现在她的面前,别的都是小事,无暇顾及。She saw her freedom clearly and could not stop to think of smaller things.