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提案被否决了。The proposal was rejected.

事实上,提案是一种令人恶心的笑话。In fact, it was a sick joke.

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缴交第一篇短论的提案。Proposals due for first essay.

缴交第三篇短论的提案。Proposals for third essay due.

缴交第二篇短论的提案。Proposals due for second essay.

演示者陈诉一个提案。A presenter states the proposal.

该项提案已获得了批准。This proposal has been sanctified.

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这一提案已被否决。This proposal has been voted down.

昨天他们批准了这项提案。They okayed the proposal yesterday.

提案者须年满18岁,国籍不限。Applicant must be at least 18 years old.

迪斯特尼需要我们通过这一工作提案。Destiny needs us to pass this jobs bill.

你估计这些提案所涉及的费用吗?Have you costed out these proposals yet?

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提案毫无异议地通过了。The bill was passed without any demurral.

我们向委员会提纲挈领地讲了我们的提案。We outlined our proposals to the committee.

你们共进午餐,一起讨论提案内容。You go to lunch, meet to discuss the proposal.

在我看来,该提案是错误的。The specific proposal seems to me misconceived.

你能考虑接受我们的反提案吗?Would you consider accepting our counterproposal?

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但一些大厨表示,该提案"十分荒谬"。But some chefs described the proposal as "absurd".

经理需要时间来审慎考虑我们的提案。The manager needs time to mull over our proposals.

提案以压倒多数通过。The motion was passed by an overwhelming majority.