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金元满及时赶来扶起了母亲。Jinyuan arrived in time to pick up the mother.

宋金元时期安阳佛教和道教进一步得到发展。In the period of Jing Yuan, Buddhism had a further development.

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历金元至明清,各府州县已普遍建立起东岳庙。From Jin, Yuan to Ming and Qing dynasties, Dongyue Temples were set all around.

金元基完全赞同吴邦国委员长对韩中关系的评价。Kim One-ki fully agreed with Chairman Wu's comments on the bilateral relations.

供试的烟草品种是云南主要栽培良种红花大金元。The material was Honghua Dajinyuan, a major tobacco cultivar in Yunnan Province.

金元时期出现了后世称为“金元四大家”的医学流派。In the Jin and Yuan Dynasties, there appeared the so-called four great medical schools.

金元基对中国经济社会建设取得的成就表示祝贺。Kim expressed congratulations on China's achievements in economic and social development.

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张子和是我国金元时期著名医家,为“金元四大家”之一。Zhang Zihe, an outstanding physician, is one of the four schools of the Jin-yuan Dynasty.

“秋山”鹿纹是辽金元时期具有北方特色的丝绸纹样。"Qiushan" deer vein was the silk pattern with northern features in the Jinliaoyuaan period.

金元时期北方地区虽久经战争的摧残,但很快得到恢复。In the periods of Jin and Yuan, the northern region recovered its economy quickly after wars.

金元满思念母亲想在金家住几天,金母毫不客气拒绝了金元满的要求。Jinyuan full miss my mother want to gold in a few days, gold mother are rejected jinyuan full.

金元时期,山西的经济、文化在中国北部居领先地位。The gold dollar time, Shanxi's economy, the culture classify the leading position north China.

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浙江金元亚麻有限公司成立于2000年,是一家从事亚麻纤维生产的专业企业。Was founded in 2000, is a company engaged in the production of flax fiber professional enterprise.

支持市价委托,金元网上交易分析系统,操作界面和3。Market price support for the commission, Kim Won-analysis of the on-line trading systems, market 3.

研究宋金元时期由重灸向重针转折的因素。Study the transition factors of valuing acupuncture above moxibustion in Song, Jin and Yuan dynasties.

你也可以给少数人发放一些特殊“金元券”,让他们可以提早开始使用这个应用。You can also offer some special "golden tickets" to a few people sothey can start using the app early.

夏母见高存善轻视金元满,忽然发怒煽了高存善一个耳光。Summer mother see high well-being despise jinyuan, suddenly angry fan high well-being a box on the ear.

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为了躲避高利贷,金母决定不管大家愿不愿意都要回去桑树渠,金元满什么话都没有说。To avoid usury, gold would decide whether you will go back to the mulberry canal, jinyuan didn t say anything.

凭借直觉和经验,他仿佛找到了破解金元棒球的钥匙。Depend on intuition and experience, he ases if the key that found baseball of the gold dollar that defeat solution.

从伊朗到缅甸再到苏丹,奥巴马的魅力战术承受着中国金元攻势的削弱。From Iran to Burma to Sudan, the Obama Administration's charm offensive has been undermined by China's cash offensive.