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哎呀,不只是我被弄得如此迷茫!Lumme , not only I am at sea!

象梦一般地凄婉迷茫。Dreary and blank like a dream.

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像梦一般地凄婉迷茫。A dream full of nameless gloom.

象梦一般地凄婉迷茫。Dismal and helpless like a dream.

他带着迷茫惊诧的神情望着我。He looked at me in blank amazement.

迷茫之中,我无言以对。Among the confusion, I am speechless.

迷茫,安提戈涅的行动去她的房间。Dazed, Antigone moves to go her room.

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沃尔夫斯堡现在有些迷茫。Wolfsburg look a little lost right now.

最后,我已经嗅出了迷茫在空中投机的味道。Finally, I sniff speculation in the air.

这让林琦对这个婚姻陷入了迷茫。This let Lin Qi of the marriage is lost.

哎呀,不只是我被弄得如此迷茫!Lumme , who are confused are not only me.

心好烦迷茫!The heart is easy to be tired of perplexed!

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这样的人生没有沉默,顶多有迷茫。This life is not silent, at most, have lost.

教眼睛纯然一色,莫迷茫。Instruct thine eyes to keep their colours true.

你走题了,你的话让我迷茫。You are off the subject. I am lost in your words.

自离婚后。她对人生感到很迷茫。She feels very mixed-up about life since her divorce.

对着迷茫的晚景,我们静静地欣赏着。Quietly we feasted our eyes on the hazy evening scene.

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她只是说在她25岁的时候,她感到孤独、困惑、迷茫。She just says she feels alone, confused, and lost at 25.

在法律认同方面,他们也面临一些迷茫。And they feel some mixed-up about their legal identities.

我的思想不仅迷茫,有时候就完全丧失了。My mind not only wanders, it sometimes leaves completely.