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中资银行十分仁慈。Chinese banks are more lenient.

普罗科波维奇还拒绝透露这家中资银行名称。Prokopovich also refused to name the Chinese bank.

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中资银行在2007年首次向海外扩张,但最后交易告吹了。Its banks made an initial push abroad in 2007, but the deals soured.

怀疑论者认为,中资银行股或许无法收复失地。Skeptics say Chinese bank stocks might not recover their lost ground.

华夏银行当然不会是最后一家要融资的中资银行。Huaxia will certainly not be the last Chinese lender to raise capital.

正如科技股泡沫一样,看好中资银行的理由是该行业的增长。As with the tech bubble, the rationale behind the bullishness is growth.

这是我到任半年以来第二次出席中资机构的乔迁仪式。This is the second such event I attended during my six months in London.

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要解决这个问题,中资银行有多种选择,但均无特别之处。Banks have options to solve the problem, but none are particularly appealing.

如果能够将一揽子勇敢的改革进行到底,中资银行将会健康发展。If a package of brave reforms can be pushed through, China's banks will blossom.

打消这些忧虑的一个简单回答是,中资银行有雄厚的资本金。The easy answer to those concerns is that China's banks are strongly capitalized.

第三,借款人主权对中资银行而言是推动其制度创新的一种强制性推动力。Third, the borrower's dominance is a pushing-force for domestic banks' innovation.

这一潜在的资本金缺口是压低中资银行股价的主要因素。The potential capital shortfall is a major factor pushing down Chinese bank stocks.

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上周末在厄瓜多尔发生了针对当地中资公司的抗议活动。Last weekend, there was a demonstration in Ecuador against a company funded by China.

这是中资银行与IDC之间的首笔交易,旨在为小型借款方提供贷款。The deal, the Chinese bank's first with IDC, aims to provide loans to small borrowers.

全球汽车巨头未来将面临中资汽车企业更为激烈的竞争.But global heavyweights will be facing stiffer competition from Chinese firms in future.

随着非正规贷款公司违约率的提高,存款可能会回流至中资银行。As the default rate for informal lending vehicles rises, deposits may return to the banks.

中资银行为大宗商品购买放款,并以该商品作为抵押。Chinese banks lend for commodity purchases with the underlying commodities as collaterals.

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中国已加入WTO,四年后外资银行将享受与中资银行同等待遇。China has been joined WTO, so foreign banks will share the equality right in the four years.

然而,这未能使中资银行类股摆脱同大盘一样、短期内被抛售的命运。Still, that didn't shield the sector from a short term sell-off mirroring the broader market.

任何一个中资公司里边的外籍雇员一只手就可以数完。Go to any Chinese based business anywhere and you can count the foreign employees on one hand.