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有机猕猴桃。This organic kiwi.

那是有机的,And yeah, it's organics,

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它是有机茶花油。It is organic camellia oil.

来点有机燃料如何?How about some organic fuel?

你的城市里有机所公园?How many parks in your city?

每个人都想买有机的。Everyone wants to buy organic.

你有喝非有机的咖啡吗?Do you drink nonorganic coffee?

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你的城市里有机所公园?There are four parks in my city.

经过俄勒冈州有机认证。Certified Organic by Oregon Tilth.

购买合法贸易的有机的进口食品。Buy organic and fair-trade imports.

啊,他可为我吃的有机沙司支付了很多钱!Boy, he pays a lot for organic salsa!

有机芦荟,洋甘菊,金盏草。Organic Aloe, Chamomile, & Calendula.

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买有机食材,是的。getting organic ingredients, so yeah.

他们生产有机的水种农作物。They produce organic, hydroponic crops.

螺旋桨上喷涂的是有机硅防污涂料。Propeller paint is really gild the lily?

我们的有机农庭院在校园里。So our garden is located on campus here.

有机产品在哪里卖得好?Where are organic products selling well?

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像我们校园里的有机花园。like we have an organic garden on campus.

无生代岩石中不包含有机残余物。Azoic rocks don't contain organic remains.

有机试剂及其应用???????。Organic Reagent and Its Application???????