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应立即找名医诊察。Skilled medical advice shall is at once seek.

诊察了这位老武士之后,伤心地摇摇头。He examined the old knight and shook his head sadly.

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看了我的呼吸频率,等了一会儿,又重复了三次这样的诊察。He waits awhile. He repeats these observations thrice.

医生又对他诊察了一遍,然后开了另外一种草药。He was examined again and then prescribed a different herbal medicine.

望唇齿对于诊察脾、肾病证有一定帮助。Hope the lip ages card of lienal to examine, nephrosis has certain help.

其长子及次女子经临床诊察亦有相似之角膜病变。Two of her sons were noted with the similar corneal change on clinical examination.

善于观察的医生常常能从人的表情、姿势以及动作诊察出抑郁症。An observant doctor can often detect depression from expression, posture , and movement.

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你需要组建一个团队诊察问题根源和可能面临的困难。You need to put together a team to address the causes and implications of the difficulty.

仅仅15分钟,他就诊察完我的病情并用一种新的技术----针刀给我治疗。After only 15 minutes, he gave me a diagnosis and treated me with ACUPOTMY, a new technique.

早期数据显示医生在日常诊察中经常忽略测量孩子的血压。Earlier data show doctors often overlook taking a child's blood pressure during routine visits.

中医脉诊是临床诊察病情、辨别病证的重要诊断方法之一。Pulse diagnosis is one of TCM diagnosis methods to examine illness and recognize syndrome in clinic.

双层台面全采用高强度透光板制成,可在手术时进行X射线诊察。Double mesa all adopt high strenghe through tabula rasa made, can be in when the operation on X-ray diagnisis.

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这些医护人员诊察青光眼、夜盲症和其他眼疾的情况。The workers look for conditions including blocomaglaucoma, light- blindness night blindness and other problems.

虽然当脱发女性接受诊察时,医生也会先排除由于甲状腺病或是缺铁的可能。But in women with hair loss, doctors also have to rule out if the stressor is a thyroid problem or low iron levels.

用手对病人体表进行触摸按压,以获得诊断印象的一种诊察方法。A way of get- ting a diagnostic impression of the disease by palpating the body surface of the patient with the hand.

对于神经根型颈椎病的诊察与操作方法必须制订标准,才有助于提高治療颈椎病的療效。In order to enhance curative effect of treating cervical vertebral disease, it is necessary to make standard of examination and operating manipulation.

临床试验证明,生理参数遥测胶囊能可靠地检测人体胃肠道的生理参数这将会为胃肠动力学研究和消化道动力学疾病的诊察提供定量依据。A quantity of clinic experiment indicated this method provided an effective approach for CI motility research and would offer a quantitative basis for the diagnoses of GI motility disorders.

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在向心性肥大和向心性重塑患者中,大剂量多巴酚丁胺负荷下的第一次灌注显像为冠心病的诊察提高了诊断准确性。In patients with concentric remodeling and concentric hypertrophy additional first-pass perfusion imaging during high dose dobutamine stress improves the diagnostic accuracy for the detection of CAD.