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他被指控犯有四起抢劫罪。He was charged with four robberies.

星辰殒落,火光四起。Falling, the star, flaming, the fire.

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枪声四起。Shots were fired about in all directions.

一份中国美术报便可见天下英雄四起。A Chinese art report shows the world of hero everywhere.

在一个静谧四起的夜晚,宁静的氛围引出了我的思乡心绪。In this quiet of the night, the hush drived me homesick.

这位大臣的讲话遭到嘲笑,嘘声四起。The minister's speech was greeted with jeers and catcalls.

“太绝情了吧。”抗议声四起。"Too unique sensibility. "The protest voice rises everywhere.

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以至于狗言四起,狗屁乱放!So the dog made everywhere, and shit without being prosecuted!

火焰四起,一片静寂,很多人被烧了。There was fire everywhere and silence and bodies were burning.

上周在欧洲是严重金融风波四起的一周。Last week was a week of serious financial turbulance in Europe.

干预还使得有组织犯罪在欧洲的小镇和城市中四起。It has brought organized crime to towns and cities across Europe.

这是近几个月在塔斯马尼亚附近发生的第四起搁浅事件。It is the fourth beaching incident near Tasmania in recent months.

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所以谣言四起,认为早期基督团体就是如此。Yeah,so there were all these rumors about early Christian groups like this.

枪声四起,打到阿萨德政权的呼声一浪高过一浪。Gunfire crackles. Voices rise in crescendo, chanting for the regime to fall.

但在海洋主权问题上,中国与领国仍有纠纷,暗潮四起。But sovereignty disputes between China and its neighbours still roil the waters.

然而,侦探Whicher得出令人震惊的结论时,骚动和困惑喧然四起。But when Whicher reaches his shocking conclusion there is uproar and bewilderment.

慕容熙昏庸暴虐,赋税很重,人民痛苦不堪,怨恨四起。Hee Murong fatuity oppressive, heavy taxes, the people's pain, resentment everywhere.

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此番言论被印度媒体广泛报导,要求他辞职的呼声四起。The comments, widely reported in the Indian media, sparked calls for his resignation.

灾难发生时往往谣言四起,信息混杂,从而导致混乱加剧。False rumors and information can spread during disasters, leading to further confusion.

桑德班斯单只猛虎杀死一人的事件,这是今年第四起。This is the fourth time that a human was killed by a tiger in the Sunderbans this year.