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千载一时,一时千载。A thousand years can be within a moment.

罗敷昔时秦氏女,千载无人空处所。Qin Luo Fu yore female, golden no empty premises.

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“你在哪儿?”千载地球呼唤声声。A thousand years the Earth cried, 'Where art thou?'

千载后,百篇存,更无一字不清真。Thousand Years, the 100 deposit, but no word is not Muslim.

许多灵魂和他们的本源已经千载万世地失去了联系。Many souls have had no contact with their source for eons of time.

华表柱头千载后,旅魂依旧回家山。China Table stigma Thousand Years, the trip is still home mountain soul.

简单的一瞬,以其独特的丰富内容足以回响千载。In just one moment of simply being, is enough unique richness to echo for a thousand lifetimes.

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其中“足浴”更以其简便灵验的特点,盛行千载而不衰。The " foot " with more simple and effective characteristics, prevalence of thousands of years and do not decline.

塞上长城空自许,镜中衰鬓已先斑。出师一表真名世,千载谁堪伯仲间。Plug on air since the Great Wall, temples have been the first spot mirror. It holds a table method, the thousand years who between brothers.

其逢小挫辄逡巡而返者,茫茫千载之间不可计数,而留其名者未之有也!The small hands all thumbs every amid the return, the boundless and the thousand years not count, and leave between the names of not have also!

“黄鹤一去不复返,白云千载空悠悠”,唐朝诗人崔颢的诗,使“白云黄鹤”成为人们对江城的印象。"Huang gone, clouds golden empty leisurely, " Tang Dynasty poet Cui Hao's poem so that the "clouds Yellow Crane" has become one of Wuhan's impression.

走进心仪的千年松的境界,虔诚地把心智扎进地层,一如松之千载凝思。Walking into the state of the thousand-year pine we admire, its intelligence is found to take root in the stratum, like the pine's thousand-year's meditation.

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公司传承千载技艺,制作实力雄厚,拥有一大批多年从业经验丰富的专业技工人员。Inheritance company Qianzai skills, the strength of the production, with a large number of experienced practitioners for many years of professional mechanics staff.

同时,副语言呈现了人物的情绪和心理状态,有效地辅助了语言,使得禅宗语录中的人物形象鲜活生动,千载之下,犹如直面。At the same time, paralanguage implied feeling and psychological states in communication, which helps to make language in Zen′s collection alive even thousands years later.

西部大开发是西部地区在新一轮改革开放条件下实现经济腾飞的千载良机。Development of the west region, which can make its economy leap forward, is a rare opportunity for the west area during another tum of reform & opening to the outside world.