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你有草药茶吗?Do you have herbal tea?

我常使用草药疗法。I often use herbal remedies.

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这些草药一般是野生的。These herbs usually grow wild.

我有两个朋友都是草药医生。I have 2 friends that are herbalists.

这种草药很难得。This medicinal herb is hard to come by.

在有些人看来,用草药治病纯属江湖医术。To some people, herbal medicine is quackery.

一个风行的草药与雌激素样的勾当。A popular herbal with estrogen-like activity.

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但是支持者认为草药学是行之有效的。But supporters of Herbology believe it works.

我采集了许多可治结核病的草药。I have collected a lot of herbs good for T. B.

草药产品标准化的现代化工具Modern tools for standardising herbal products

咳嗽得很厉害,这…我给你弄些草药茶吧。Bad cough, this. I'll make you some herbal tea.

这种草药汤对你的腹痛有特效。The herb soup is specific for your stomachache.

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当然你也可以多用草药,of course you can also get more into the herbs,

一些进口的草药也含有铅。Some imported herbal remedies also contain lead.

草药护甲是避蚊胺,驱蚊的作品免费!Herbal Armor is a Deet-free repellent that works!

芹菜是一种草药,属于伞形科。Celery "is" a herb belonging to the "Umbelliferae.

李子,红色和黑色水果,太妃糖,巧克力,草药。Plum, red and black fruits, toffee, chocolate, herbs.

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加一点点油还有你喜欢的香料和草药。Add a bit of oil and whatever herbs and spices you like.

他长大后变成了草药学教授,我想大部分人应该知道他的结局。He's Herbology professor. I think most people know that.

同时也会加一些干地黄和其他的草药。Dried rhizome of rehmannia and other herbs are also added.