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不在公共场合打嗝或搔痒Doesn't belch or scratch in public

这只狗总是在搔痒。This machine-tool is always at fault.

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你给我捶背,我替你搔痒。Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.

搔痒娃娃就是分人工智能界的ENIAC始祖计算机。Tickle Me Elmo is the ENIAC of fractional AI.

搔痒,丘疹,脓疱,外皮坚硬并结痂。Pruritis, papules, pustules, crusts and scabs.

「但是她的搔痒的东西还很小,」他评论说。"But her widdler is still quite small", he remarks.

绵羊的搔痒病因子可能也是类病毒。The scrapie agent in sheep may be similar to viroids.

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在注射前,这些白鼠搔痒的非常厉害。Before those injections, the mice scratched vigorously.

恩恩不太怕痒,但是跟他玩咕叽咕叽搔痒游戏,他还是会给个面子笑一下。Aiden is not really ticklish, but he still likes the tickling game.

科学发达也使羊毛变得不再让人感到搔痒,也不会缩水了。Scientific advances are also creating wool that doesn't itch or shrink.

屋子里注的房客也在打哈欠,或是在替自己搔痒。The occupants of the rooms are yawning too, or else scratching themselves.

黄疸和搔痒可能要到病程的相当晚期﹐有节段性胆管梗阻时才出现。They may also appear as a spongy friable mass in the lumen of the bile duct.

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当其中一只被我的搔痒弄得翻了个身时,我知道我摸对了位置。When one of them rolled over for a scratch, I knew I had made the right move.

癌症疗法和止痛片象吗啡也可以引起搔痒。Cancer treatments and strong painkillers like morphine can also cause itchiness.

你要防止她搔痒。搔抓会扩大感染,并且可能留下疤痕。You must prevent her from scratching. It may spread the infection and cause scars.

皮肤搔痒症是指自觉皮肤搔痒而无原发损害的皮肤病。The pruritus is a kind of skin disorders with skin itching caused by primary lesions.

我现在浑身搔痒滚烫。他的一吻正搔到我的痒处。Well, by now I'm getting all bothered and hot. When he kissed my mouth he really hit the spot.

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净化伤口,抗搔痒,对化脓、灼伤、癣疮、晒伤、香港脚、头皮屑有特效。Purification wounds, anti-itching, suppuration, burns, ringworm sores, sunburn, Hong Kong legs.

一种乐器。它通过马尾毛在猫的内脏上磨来擦去达到为人类的耳朵搔痒的目的。FIDDLE, n. An instrument to tickle human ears by friction of a horse's tail on the entrails of a cat.

患有疹子,荨麻疹,湿疹,皮肤溃疡,肿胀,疼痛,丘疹病灶,搔痒皮肤发炎?。Have hives, rashes, weeping eczema, cutaneous ulcers, swelling, sores, papular lesions, itchy dermatitis?