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辨认所弹奏的音程。Identify the interval played.

其他音程为不协和音程。Other intervals are dissonances.

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音程跳动较大。The musical interval jitterbug is bigger.

八音度的音程和和音。The interval and the consonance of an octave.

不协和音程为二度和七度。Dissonant intervals are the second and the seventh.

然而,在这个八度音程宇宙中是真实的。This is, however, true of this octave of densities.

在此作品中有无更多的和协音程或是不和协的?。Is there more consonance or dissonance in this work?

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常见的有三度平行音程或六度平行音程。Parallel intervals of a third or sixth are frequent.

值得注意的是,音程是向上度量的。It should be noticed that intervals are measured upwards.

再来一次,我们把三度音程加进去One more time and we need- we're going to get our third in.

大音程降低半音是小音程。Major intervals made smaller by 2 half-steps become diminished.

这种审美形态包括音程的“和谐”、和声的“和谐”、复调对位中的“和谐”。It related to the harmonious of interval, harmony and counterpoint.

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还有很多小跳音——二音程跳音和三音程跳音。There are all kinds of subtle leaps – intervallic and tri tone leaps.

比相应的大音程或完全音程增多一个。半音。的。Larger by a semitone than the corresponding major or perfect interval.

然后下一个音高在小号那里,实际上是一个五度音程Then the next pitch on the trumpet is actually an interval of a fifth.

存在各种不同习惯表示增或减音程。Various conventions exist to indicate augmented or diminished intervals.

八度为八个音间的音程,每一个音都有着相同的音名。An octave is an interval of eight notes, each having the same letter name.

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以首调唱名法进行教学,有助于学生音程音感的建立。Teaching by method of tonic solfa, students built up interval aural ability.

把高音放置在原低音下时需要将音程转位。Intervals may be inverted when the upper note is placed below the original lower note.

非西方音乐在同一个音程中产生数量更多的不同音调。Non-western music produces a greater number of distinct tones within the same interval.