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那位老先生离开手杖就走不了路。The old man cannot walk without a stick.

那位老先生原来是一名退休的医师。The old man turned out to be a retired doctor.

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老先生做的是一般认为较适合男性的工作-当一名樵夫。The man did work that was thought to be manlier.

老先生虽然上了些年纪,但耳音依然很好。Though advanced in years, he still has good hearing.

法兰欣习惯看到那个老先生遛狗。Francie is used to seeing the old man walking his dog.

“你从哪里来的呀?”老先生问小王子。"Where do you come from?" the old gentleman said to him.

奇怪得很,甘老先生却是喜欢他,信任他的。And, strangely enough, old Archibald admired and trusted him.

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老先生做的是一般认为较适合男性的工作-当一名樵夫。The man did work that was thought to be manlier . He was a logger.

当孙子来探望他时,老先生特别高兴。The old man was especially happy when his grandsons came to visit.

睿智热情的唐鸿光老先生亲自开门欢迎我们!Mr. Tang Hongguang grand-nephew of Tang Shaoyi opened the gate for us!

布莱克老先生酷爱猎熊,只是他的眼力已经不济事了。Old Mr Black loved shooting bears, but his eyes were not good any more.

老先生向年轻姑娘做了个手势,也跟了出去。The gentleman then beckoned to the young lady, and they, too, went out.

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老先生踱着步子回到了他的桌旁,两只手在空中扫来扫去。“不!Old man Willie walked back to his desk, waving his arms in the air, "N-O!"

期间,张华董事长还和黄南美老先生互赠了礼品。During this visit, Mr Zhang Hua and Mr Huang has given presents to each other.

韦尔逊老先生尹腰缠万贯,他准是掌握了什么点金术。Old Mr. Wilson is lousy with money. He must have possessed some sort of alchemy.

这个老先生跟我的父亲、我的哥哥们和我们都能交朋友。This old man was the friend alike of my father, my elder brothers and ourselves.

我们无法和富有的胡老先生竞争,因为有钱能使鬼推磨。We can't compete against rich old Mr. Hu. He'll get his way because money talks.

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隔天,老先生被发现死在自已家客厅,手里还紧握着电话筒。The next day, the dead old man was found in his own house, holding phone tightly.

老先生真是敢言,敢言人之心中或许都有却未必能够说出来的话。Old man is outspoken, outspoken person may have in mind may not be able to say so.

这么美的景色就是被严老先生占了先。Mr. Yan was obviously lucky to be able to enjoy this beautiful scenery ahead of us.