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再说这不正是贤良的父母应该去做的吗?Isn't that what good parents are supposed to do?

人们常说的“贤良淑德”,就是她身上表现出来的东西吧!People often say that good shu virtuous, is what her show!

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一位贤良的家庭主妇不会浪费时间说短论长,搬弄是非。A good house-wife does not spend his time in spinning street yarns.

为什么那么喜欢中国女孩子呢?因为她们温柔贤良、小鸟依人,还是什么别的原因?Why do you like Chinese girl so much? Is it because they are virtuous and lovable?

第三部分分析贤良文学的经济、政治及其它思想。The third part analyzed the economics, politics and other ideas of Xianliang Wenxue.

可成功男士理想中的妻子不一定要事业有成,温柔贤良就好。While a successful man's ideal wife is not necessarily successful but gentle and virtuous.

当然也希望新娘成为一个好女人,要懂得温柔体贴,持家有道,贤良淑德。Of course, also hope to become the bride of a good woman, to know how gentle, virtuous thrifty.

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第四部分分析文贤良学思想产生的社会条件及其引起的社会变化。The fourth part discussed social conditions and social impact of Xianliang Wenxue's appearance.

首先探讨了贤良选举及其演变。Firstly, the author researches into the Recommendation of Able and Virtuous Men and its evolution.

依据儒家思想,用敬语的女人就是贤良者,此想法主宰了日本传统的性别标准。The use of deferential language is symbolic of Confucian ideal of the woman, which dominates conservative gender norms in Japan.

女人也讨厌花花公子。那些随时准备红杏出墙,即使他们已经有了一个贤良淑德,百里挑一的女朋友或者妻子的男人。Women hate womanizers, men who go for anything on skirt even when they have preferred, and better behaved women as either girlfriends or wives.

千百年来,人们将屈原在政治舞台上活动的失败原因多归结于楚王亲小人而疏贤良以及屈原遭人离间之故。Over hundreds of years, people tend to attribute his political failure largely to the king of Chu State's closeness to the mean and indifference to the virtuous.