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防空炮是首要打击目标。Engage accompanying air-defense guns first.

自行防空炮部队就位。Self-propelled antiaircraft guns in position.

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他的“冲击波加农炮”出场发射空炮。His Shockwave Cannon wheeled about and exploded raw air.

防空炮把机翼打得弹痕累累。The anti-aircraft guns riddled the plane's wings with bullets.

它的隐形能力会足以保证其不被地空炮火发现。the jet would be so stealthy that the ground-to-air guns would never find it.

空炮,对形势作出了过于乐观的分析。I then made some groundless remarks, assessing the situation over-optimistically.

盟军M3半履带车.50四管防空炮升级消耗弹药从100增加到125。Allied M3 Halftrack Quad . 50 cal upgrade cost increased to 125 munitions from 100.

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该型防空炮是一种仿制自俄罗斯ZU-23-2型防空炮的国产25毫米炮。An indigenous 25mm cannon employing a mount closely modeled on the Russian ZU-23-2.

在过去的几个小时里,的黎波里上空响过几轮防空炮的声音。In the last few hours, several rounds of anti-aircraft gunfire have been heard above Tripoli.

苏军作好准备,并且,猛烈的防空炮开火和300颗以上的照明弹设法驱散入侵者。The Soviets were prepared, however, and intense AA fire and over 300 searchlights managed to disperse the raiders.

甲板防空炮和盟军武装商船。照片背景,一队蒸汽式护航舰队正驶向欧洲。Anti-aircraft armament aboard an Allied armed merchant. In the background, a convoys steams unmolested into Europe.

他的“冲击波加农炮”出场发射空炮,你真能目睹由炮口衍扩开来的空气冲击波。His Shockwave Cannon wheeled about and exploded raw air. You could actually see the shockwave zip out of the muzzle.

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示威者人数为一对捕获的罐顶,而周围的防空炮挤人,路透社说。A number of protesters stood on top of a captured tank while others crowded around an anti-aircraft gun, Reuters added.

“除非是轻型防空炮常用的30mm高爆燃烧弹药”,特拉特曼写到。"With the exception of a 30mm high-explosive incendiary round typically associated with light anti-aircraft artillery," Trautman wrote.

演习将投入多管火箭、自行防空炮、反装甲导弹、战斗直升机、F-15K战斗机等105种火力。Exercise will be put into multi-barrel rocket, self-defense guns, anti-armor missiles, combat helicopters, F-15K fighter jets and other 105 fire.

目击者证实屋顶上和街道中的枪手使用自动武器甚至防空炮向人群射击,已经造成多起死亡。Witnesses reported multiple deaths from gunmen on rooftops and in the streets shooting at crowds with automatic weapons and even an anti-aircraft gun.

第二个企图炸毁当日另一家印度航空飞机的炸弹在登上东京飞机之前,在行李仪器中放了空炮。A second bomb, intended to blow up another Air India 747 on the same day, detonated prematurely in a luggage facility in Tokyo before being loaded aboard.

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如果能在螺旋桨上做上弹性非常好表面非常光滑的有机硅涂料,能有效的防止螺旋桨的空炮侵蚀。If the silicone paint sprayed on the propeller couldmake the surface of it smooth and elastic, the propeller can prevent the cavitation erosioneffectively.

另外一名居民说在一些地方,像塔乔拉区,政府仅仅控制了一些关键枢纽和道路,在那里设立了装备有防空炮和防空坦克的检查站。Another resident said that in places like Tajoura, the government controlled only key junctions and roads, where it has checkpoints reinforced with anti-aircraft guns and tanks.

亡灵所载有的炸弹可以造成客观的初始伤害,并向外辐射。此外,它还装备了一门对空炮和一个机载隐形场生成器。The Revenant's payload, a proton bomb, does considerable initial damage that radiates outward. Additionally, the Revenant features a rear-mounted Flak Cannon and an onboard stealth field.