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我有点发烧,还流鼻涕。He has a slight fever.

你这个满脸鼻涕的老头子。You snot-faced old man!

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擤擤鼻涕吧,女儿。Blow your nose, daughter.

滴药前应先擤净鼻涕。Feder advised Dropping net nose.

我需要一张面纸来擤鼻涕。I need a tissue to blow my nose.

我一边拿纸巾擤鼻涕一边问他。I ask as I splutter into a tissue.

我打喷嚏而且还流鼻涕。I'm sneezing and my nose is running.

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一个喷嚏,他的鼻涕喷到仪表盘上。He sneezed a wad of snot onto the dash.

我有点发烧,还流鼻涕。I have a slight fever and a runny nose.

孩子,张凯下巴,擤干净鼻涕。Kid, keeo your chin up and your nose clean.

擤鼻涕太用力会造成耳痛。Blowing your nose too hard can cause earache.

我头痛的厉害,还流鼻涕。I got a bad headache , and my nose is running.

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我头痛得厉害,还流鼻涕。we got a bad headache, and my nose is running.

把手绢收起来——别在我跟前一把鼻涕一把泪的。Put your handkerchief away--don't snivel before me.

不要擤鼻涕或用牙签剔牙。Don't blow your nose or use the tooth pick at table.

它们可以快速、温和、轻而易举地擦除干结的鼻涕。They clean up dried mucous fast, gently, and easily.

不要擤鼻涕或用牙签剔牙。Don't blow your nose or use a toothpick at the table.

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夏天,婴儿流清鼻涕是因为什么?Summer, is because, the baby sheds clear drivel what?

擤鼻涕,咳嗽或打喷嚏到手里Blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing into your hands

他用裤子将手指上的鼻涕揩干净,然后才回到屋内。He wiped his fingers on his trousersbefore going indoors.