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这剧本上演的效果好。The play acts well.

这剧团在上演“马克白”。The group is doing "Macbeth".

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该脚本还不适合上演。The script didn't stage well.

鲁迅的剧本上演的效果总是良好。Lu Shuns plays always act well.

新电影现在正在上演。The new film is premiering now.

电视上什么时候上演这部影片?When will the film start on TV?

阿内尔卡会上演进球狂潮的。Anelka is due a flurry of goals.

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现在他能最后一次上演绝地反击吗?Can he play Lazarus one last time?

新德里人民上演抢水的角力。People wrestle in Delhi for water.

我希望它在五一劳动节之前能够上演。I hope to put it on before May Day.

他使残暴无限期的上演…He who brutalizes the timeless stage.

新上演的剧目受到他嘲笑的评论。His comments sneered at the new play.

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这戏在人民剧场上演。The play is on in the People's House.

的黎波里今天上演双城记。Tripoli today is a tale of two cities.

一场肥胖人的时装秀在纽约上演。A full-figure fashion show in New York.

经过短暂的休息以后,戏继续上演。After a short break the play continued.

这戏在人民剧场上演。Novels are often adapted for the stage.

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整个南美地区上演着类似的故事。It is a similar story across the region.

不会有老师马学生的戏码上演。Scolding from teacher will never happen.

白天里上演着花花世界,夜晚却是一个人的独角戏。During the day at night world, is a solo.