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羊毛毡的用途?The utility of abb felt?

雅思考试的用途是什么?What is IELTS useful for?

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数个词另外还有那种用途?How else is this word used?

这种技术具有双重用途。The technology is dual-use.

编程语言中每一个关键字都有其特殊的用途。Every keyword has a purpose.

钥匙链的用途?The utility of key catenary?

干此事毫无用途。There is no use in doing it.

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知道你所有收入的用途。Account for all of your income.

这是为了医学用途。This is for medicinal purposes.

即时聊天工具可以用于其他用途。IM can be used in other ways too.

分类法用于两个用途。The taxonomy serves two purposes.

无水的井没有用途。A well devoid of water is useless.

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因此这是名称空间的一种用途!So this is one use for namespaces!

落地灯的特殊用途?The special purpose of floor lamp?

私家花园有许多用途。House gardens can have several uses.

乙醚和氯仿的军事用途Military Use of Ether and Chloroform

三聚氰胺的一般用途是什么?What is melamine generally used for?

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你知道这个瓮的用途吗?Do you know the purpose of this urn ?

仅限于个人浏览,非商业性用途。For personal, noncommercial use only.

很明显,这批货现在已毫无用途。It is clear the goods are useless now.