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在中国,通常没有这样的差价。In China, there usually is no such differential.

被我发现你宰客的话,我就回来找你补差价。If you rip me off, I'll come back and ask for a refund.

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令我们吃惊的差价实际的居然原来多达200欧元。To our surprise the price difference turned out 200 euro.

差价补偿策略是零售商的一种整体价格宣传策略。Price-matching policy is a kind of retailer's price strategy.

每一个中间人都会以佣金或差价的形式提取份额。Every agent takes a cut in the form of a spread or commission.

被禁止卖空的股票流动性下降,买卖差价增加。Liquidity in banned shares is down and bid-ask spreads are up.

大多数差价合约可以让阁下无限期持仓。With most CFDs you can hold the position for as long as you like.

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每平方码的成本差价可以带来大约1万美元的节省。The difference in cost per square yard saves approximately US S10 000.

当经理到来时,高尔特要求她至少便宜一半的差价。When the manager arrives, Gault asks her to at least meet her halfway.

债券差价能上能下,能左能右,甚至与一碗意大利面条相似。Bond spreads can go up, down, sideways or even resemble a bowl of spaghetti.

我们将很感激如果你们可以只赚取操作费的差价。We will appreciate if you only earn the difference of prices on operating expense.

积累财富的一个密诀在于你能找到利益差价,把多余的钱用于储蓄和投资,然后就等着收利息吧。You can then put your extra money into savings accounts and investment portfolios.

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家庭信托随后起诉复莱明,索两者差价及利息。The Family Trust then sued the Flemings for the shortfall on the sale and interest.

有些差价合约有特定的有效期,持仓将在有效期满时自动平仓。Some CFDs have a set expiry date, upon which the position will be closed automatically.

他在中国低价买入而后回到印度转卖给零售商以获取羡人的差价。He buys them cheap in China and sells them to retailers back home for a handsome margin.

第一波购买行情是为了套取现货期货市场间的差价。The first wave of purchases was to arbitrage the difference between spot and futures prices.

根据最新规定您可以升舱,不过要付差价部分的钱。According to the latest regulations, you can upgrade your class, but you have to pay the extra.

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刘先生想,已经给卡尔加里的货主付了款,要想要回差价谈何容易。Mr Lau would have to Calgary consignors pays, the difference is not so easy to want to return to.

差价和流量转换,就这点足已经养肥了他。Price difference and discharge are changed, with respect to this bit sufficient already fatten he.

基准价和现货价之间的差价很大程度上导致了腐败和敌意。The differential between benchmark and spot prices pretty much guarantees corruption and ill will.