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谁用佛法护佑我们?who blesses us with the Dharma?

你参加过佛法课程吗?Have you attended Dharma classes?

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有佛法的地方就有般若。Where there is Dharma, there is prajna.

佛法中,福德究竟意味着什么?What do we mean by merit in Buddhadharma?

具足信对佛法僧的信心与敬心。Have faith and confidence in the Triple Gem.

让我给你另一个佛法无边的例子。I'll give you an example of power of Dharma.

在佛法中,这叫世俗谛。In Buddhism, this is called Conventional Truth.

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所以佛法、世法都不能贪爱,贪爱是一切罪障的根源。Greed is the source of all misdeeds and wrongdoing.

想要了解佛法是不需要盲目信仰的。No blind faith is necessary to understand the Dhamma.

“我们使越来越多的人开始了解禅宗佛法,”他说。"We make more people know about Zen Buddhism, " he says.

但是我参加过一些佛法的讲座,并看了一些有关佛法的书。But I attend some Dharma talks and read some Dharma books.

2011年,祈愿法友们以坚定力学习佛法。In 2011, May all friends practice Dharma with determination.

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在认识光环密宗佛法前,我只认为这样就一辈子。I thought that will be my whole life before knowing the sect.

于是乎,他也开始拜佛,研究佛法了。And he began to bow to the Buddhas and study the Buddhadharma.

依佛法来说,惑迷的根本乃在于无明。According to Buddha-dharma, ignorance is the root of confusion.

我们必须在佛法教义的基础上寻求方案。We have to find a solution based on the philosophy of Buddhism.

佛法中也没有不切合实际或不理性的东西。In the Dhamma, there is nothing that is impractical or irrational.

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如果我们有正确的瞭解,修习佛法就不会困难。If we have right understanding, Dhamma practice will not be difficult.

没有真正参加过。但是我参加过一些佛法的讲座,并看了一些有关佛法的书。Not really. But I attend some Dharma talks and read some Dharma books.

于佛法王欲得亲近,求其善法,以自增长。They wish to approach Buddha, king of the Law, to achieve advancement.