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我已经学会缫丝了。I've already learned silk reeling.

设计了缫丝煮茧机连续温度自动调节控制系统。The temperature automatic control system for reeling machina was designed.

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是一套较适合于缫丝生产企业推广应用的温度自动控制系统。The temperature automatic control system for reeling machina was designed.

它有栽桑、养蚕、缫丝和织造的传统。It has a tradition of mulberry planting, sericulture, silk reeling and weaving.

对不同茧采用真空渗透工艺,不经煮茧而直接缫丝进行了试验。Silk reeling experiments are conducted with non-cooking cocoons treated by vacuum warm water permeation.

罗伊临近结束时他也缫丝由乔的披露和埃塞尔的消息,他已经被取消。Roy nears his end as well, reeling from Joe's disclosure and from Ethel's news that he has been disbarred.

有限公司拥有自己的缫丝,织造,服装厂,是一个行业贸易企业以及结合。Ltd. possessing own reeling, weaving and clothing factories, is an industry-trade well combined enterprise.

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茧丝纤度曲线的预测研究是计算机模拟缫丝的基础。Study on forecasting size curves of cocoon filaments is the foundation of computer simulation of silk reeling.

早在明代就有制砖、冶坊、陶瓷、缫丝、织布等手工业。The brickmaking, smelting, china, filature, weaving and such handiworks had appeared early in the Ming Period.

养蚕、缫丝、织绸是我国先民对世界纺织服装发展作出的杰出贡献。Sericulture and silk reeling, the wife of our ancestors in the world textile and apparel made outstanding contributions.

统茧缫丝中不同种类的次茧对生丝各种品质指标影响程度不同。Various defective cocoons in unsorted cocoon silk reeling will influence in varying degrees on raw silk quality indices.

采用五种不同的煮茧方法,通过缫丝试验,探索其工艺效果。The reeling properties of Yamamai Cocoons are studied through trial reelings with cocoons cooked in five different processes.

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并非所有的手工艺,零售商和法律缫丝派出数以千计的小型制造商之一是允许作证。Not one of the thousands of craftspeople, retailers and small manufacturers the law has sent reeling was permitted to testify.

为了减小自动缫缫丝张力,设计了一套以空气作动力,推动停鼓轮转动的装置。In order to reduce the tension of automatic reeling thread, a set of air_driven device for rotating reel stop drum is designed.

为满足鲜茧收购现场缫丝计价的要求,研制出微型试缫机。The miniature trial reeling machine was made to meet the demands of price determination of fresh cocoon by reeling on the spot.

但是,缫丝行业要求分工细致,操作灵活,企业在选用佣工时,往往侧重于女性。But, reeling profession request division of labor careful, the operation is nimble, the enterprise often stresses on the female.

煮茧是丝绸生产中缫丝前的一个主要工艺流程,是关系到蚕茧解舒率,提高生丝质量的一个重要工序。Cocoon cooking process is primary important in silk-reeling process, which concerns the quality of raw silk and the strech of pod.

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继昌隆缫丝厂是我国缫丝业的第一家民族资本主义企业。Jichanglong Silk-filature Factory was the first capitalist firm set-up and funded by Chlnese entrepreneur in silk-filature industry.

对盐亭丝绸厂283名缫丝女工手部皮炎进行了调查,发现不同生产方式和原料与皮损程度有关。An in estigation, which was about dermatitis on hands for 283 women workers at a silk filature mill in Yanting County, was completed.

通过计算机模拟试验讨论其在茧丝纤度曲线模拟及缫丝工程模拟中的应用。On the basis of these results, its application to the simulations of size curve of cocoon filament and reeling process was discussed.