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你能否礼品包装吗?Could you gift-wrap it?

我替您包装成礼品吗?Shall I gift-wrap them?

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谢谢你馈赠礼品。Thank you for the gift.

这是送给你的生日礼品。Here's your birthday gift.

感谢你赠送礼品。Thank you for your present.

你能把这本书礼品包装一下吗?Can you gift-wrap this book?

我想把这东西包成礼品,可以吗?。May I get this gift wrapped?

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能替我将礼品包装吗?。Can I have this gift wrapped?

你们提供礼品包装服务吗?Do you provide gift-wrapping?

你需要礼品包装吗?。Would you need gift-wrapping?

你能替我给它们做礼品包装吗?Can you gift-wrap them for me?

礼品篮都是我们的业务。Gift Baskets are our Business.

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我父母亲将给我买一件礼品。My parents will buy me a gift.

你能礼品包装吗?Could you have it gift-wrapped?

履历是一份礼品,我们正在被付与着。Experience is a gift being given.

哪里可以包装成礼品?Where can I get it gift-wrapped ?

任何免费赠品及试用装礼品。Any free gift product and samples.

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珍珠饰品,珍珠首饰,珍珠礼品。Chinese Pearl & Jewelry Co. , Ltd.

他收到了许多生日礼品。He received lots of birthday gifts.

快乐生活区提供礼品设计的新点子。Joy offers a paradise of gift ideas.