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死者和伤者都分布于士兵整备中心周围。All the dead and wounded were in the area around the centre.

对其实施整备作业是有效管理的一个重要环节。Conditioning is an important step in whole management process.

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列车整备是高速铁路保障行车安全的重要工作。Train servicing is the key job for the safety of the high-speed railway.

此时此刻亚特兰蒂斯号在39A发射台整备,按计划将于5月14日发射。Now resting on pad 39A, Atlantis is scheduled for its actual liftoff on May 14.

仿真技术的发展,导致整备的质量提高。The development of simulation technology leads to improved quality of equipment.

经过1912年9月的大范围整备以后,有五座堡垒完成了战时改装。During the large-scale manoeuvres of September 1912, five forts were fitted to war strength.

而我预期在进行任何方式进攻欧洲大陆前,必须有一长期的整备。I commented that a long period of build-up would have to precede any attack on the European.

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经整备的镭源均可回取,便于将来进一步整备处理或处置。The conditioned sources remain retrievable to meet further conditioning or final disposal in the future.

本论文旨在探讨非等效平行机考量相依整备时间之完工时间最小化问题。This thesis focuses on an unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with sequence dependent setup times.

采用遗传算法求解整备区股道安排问题,具有适用广泛和计算稳定等特性。Using genetic algorithms in the issue of tracks arrangement has advantages of versatile application and computation stability.

Borkar相信软件开发实践必须改组整备工具以利用起提升的性能潜力。Borkar believes that software development practices have to be retooled in order to leverage potential performance improvement.

同一阶段内,当一组新批量的属性类别和前一批量的属性类别不同时,即产生整备成本,此成本与批量先后次序相关。A sequence-dependent setup time is required in a stage when the new batch has a different level of attribute from the previous one.

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根据废放射源治理工艺要求,研制了一台废放射源整备车。A vehicle for operating spent radioactive sources were designed and manufactured according to the operational process requirements.

从而可以大幅度降低电涡流缓行器的容量,压缩成本和使用费用,同时相应地降低电瓶容量和车辆整备质量。The capacity of electrical eddy current rail broke can be largely reduced. So can costs, capacity of storage battery and full mass.

确实有助于未來完成三个地区文化观光的环境整备工作。This will indeed facilitate environmental preparations for the completion of cultural tourism of Tainan, Lukang and Wanhua in the future.

有了暮光议会,神族玩家就可以召唤不朽者,进而晋升科技来整备黑暗圣殿武士,以及获得更多其它兵种的选择。This structure allows the protoss to build immortals, tech up to dark templars , and opens up a lot of other choices for the protoss player.

整备车作为一个可移动的操作开放型放射性物质的设施,由更衣室和操作室两个部分组成。The vehicle, acting as a mobile open-type facility for radiological operation, is composed of two rooms, a change room and an operation room.

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介绍了放射性废源的安全处理和整备技术,重点介绍了现在国外废镭源的整备技术。Alsointroduced are safe treatment and conditioning technologies related to spent radiation sources, with the emphases being on spent radium sources.

大排量的发动机往往意味着整车较大的整备质量,它对于动力性、车身灵活性以及经济性都是有很大影响的。Large displacement engine often means of vehicle, it indicates the quality and performance, the body for flexibility is has a great impact on the economy.

根据国家放射性废物管理要求,放射性废物必须进行必要的处理和整备,且最终将进行处置。Based on the requirements of national laws and standards, the radwaste should be handled in advance before sent to the national place of radwaste disposal.