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口若悬河,无所不能证明真有才智。A flow of phrases is no proof of wisdom.

有没有人质疑过那些口若悬河的家伙?Did anybody question any of that clap-trap then?

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口若悬河对她做生意很有帮助。Eloquence helps her to handle with the business.

口若悬河无所不能作为才智的证明。A fDannynouncedrned of phrases is no proof of wisdom.

的年轻人不久前还在床上赤裸相遇,这么多人相互聚会真不胜惊异,口若悬河young boys met naked recently in bed, crowds surprised to see each

他口若悬河,一字不顿地发表了了演讲。He made a speech straight off the reel without stumbling over a word.

我们都见识过那些口若悬河、咄咄逼人的研究生或教授。We have all met those glib, intimidating graduate students or faculty members.

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酒精让你觉得自己口若悬河,但实际上会让你变得迟钝。Alcohol makes you think that you sound smart while actually making you objectively dumber.

一向口若悬河的半仙却在此时回绝算卦,借口找水匆匆离去。Always eloquent BanXian but at this time of water containing excuse rebuffed hurried away.

华盛顿所有口若悬河的反华尔街民粹人士都害怕投资者当真将口对准他们。All that populist anti-Wall Street rhetoric in Washington scares the heck out of investors.

很多人羡慕他的口若悬河,但他的丈人却为此瞧不起他。Many people admired him for being very eloquent , but his father-in-law despised him for that.

如果你想抓某人的包,一旦他们开始喋喋不休口若悬河,你就可以扔出一堆难题来考他们。If you’re trying to catch someone out, once they’ve done their spiel, ask plenty of difficult questions.

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目睹现在的人口若悬河地谈论着象马一样价值昂贵的法,而其人的价值却不如一条狗。I have witnessed that teachings as valuable as a fine steed are babbled by people less worthy than a dog.

这位学者对任何事物都有一番极深的见解,无论什么话题他都能口若悬河说上一大段。This scholar has profound opinion one time to aught, whatever topic he can eloquent says on one paragraph big.

留着络腮胡子的帕特里克西装革履,在台上走来走去,口若悬河,两眼闪着智慧之光。Wearing business suit and shoes, walking up and down in the platform, bearded Patrick spoke eloquently, eyes shining with wit.

他谈到棉花、羊毛、铜、鸦片、靛青、新加坡、马尼拉、中国、加尔各答、澳大利亚,讲起来口若悬河,滔滔不绝。He talked of cotton, wool, copper, opium, indigo, Singapore, Manilla , China, Calcutta, Australia, with prodigious eloquence and fluency.

而后人就以“口若悬河”来形容人善于说话,一旦说起话来就像倒悬的河水、滔滔不绝,永远没有停止的时候。Then people would be "eloquent"to describe people who are good words, once the river began to talk like a hung upside down, forever, never stops.

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外国学生初来乍到,他们可能会很羞怯,但现在也不乏口若悬河者和坦率直言者。When foreign students first came here, they could not say boo to a goose, but there is now no shortage of eloquent speakers and outspoken thinkers.

她表述一个观点,或反驳你的意见时,总是口若悬河直舒胸臆,也不管你受不受得了。She states a point of view, or when the opinion that refutes you, always be chest of bosom of eloquent straight easy, no matter you suffer, also do not can bear.

在一场罕见的口若悬河的演讲中,布什总统宣称本•拉登和基地组织最终会被置于“被历史所抛弃的谎言的无名之冢。”In an uncharacteristic burst of eloquence, Bush asserted that bin Laden and al-Qaeda would eventually be consigned to "history's unmarked grave of discarded lies.