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他们移植了那些秧苗。They pricked out the seedlings.

农民把秧苗栽在苗圃里。The farmer bedded the seedlings in.

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秧苗被放置在一大片浅苗床上。The seedlings were placed in a big flat.

秧苗要部分浸水才能种植。The seedlings need to grow partially submerged.

秧苗上面覆盖着塑料薄膜。The rice seedlings were covered with plastic sheeting.

在地里,我们看到一群姑娘在管理西红柿秧苗。In the fields we met a group of girls working on tomato plants.

真菌剂浸泡种子来防止秧苗受病。They treat their seeds with a fungicide to combat seedling diseases.

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让秧苗保持湿润,但是浇水不要太多,否则会烂根。Keep the seedlings moist, but not too wet, otherwise the roots will rot.

他把每棵秧苗都往上拔了一小截,这样小苗看上去就比原来高了。He pulled each one of the shoots up a bit, so they looked a little higher.

宋国有个人担心自己的秧苗长得太慢。A man of the state of Song was worried about his seedlings growing too slowly.

方将一些秧苗连根拔起,说,他已经错过了极短的种植时间。Uprooting some seedlings, Fang says he has missed the narrow window for planting.

栽插秧苗时,让根舒展开来,动作要轻柔,以免把根弄断。When you plant the seedling, spread the roots out gently so that you don't break them.

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采用药剂调控可显著控制幼苗徒长,提高秧苗素质。Medicament regulation can control over growth of seedlings and improve seedling quality.

而且对提高田间成秧率与秧苗素质都有明显的效果。In the meantime, there are obvious effects to the viability and quality of rice seedlings.

在马来西亚的科塔布鲁附近的一个田坎上,母亲与孩子们着手移栽秧苗。Mother and youngsters on a dike near Kota Bharu, Malaysia, set out to transplant seedlings.

图10。无机砷对水稻秧苗的1,5-二磷酸核酮糖羧化酶活性的影响。Fig10. Effect of inorganic arsenic on the activity of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase.

农夫的儿子向田里跑去想看个究竟,他发现所有的秧苗都死了。His son ran out to the fields to have a look, and found that all their rice shoots had died.

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若种植地气候较凉爽,可以挖一条沟,将番茄秧苗侧着种植在沟内,这样秧苗能够更快地扎根。Gardeners in colder climates can speed rooting by planting the tomato on its side in a trench.

要把秧苗放进泥里,再用泥把秧的根部封实一点。Put seedlings into the mud and the roots of seedlings in the mud and then seal the real thing.

在新移植的秧苗周围布下铁丝网,免得饥肠辘辘的兔子拿它们果腹。Surround newly transplanted plants with chicken wire, keeping hungry rabbits from eating them.