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他为人正派。He is a man of decency.

他行为不正派。He is a man of decency.

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他行为不正派。He conducts himself well.

我说他为人正派且风度翩翩。His decency and his grace?

为人诚实正派,乐观。Honest, upright and optimism.

他和几个不正派的人混在一起。He threw in with some crooked men.

我是一个诚实、秉直、正派的人。I'm an honest, upright, decent man.

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他行为不正派。He has wandered from proper conduct.

正派社会的目标是什么?What are the goals of a decent society?

我想所有正派的人都会这样回答。I think any decent person would say that.

许多老年人感到穿比基尼式游泳服不正派。Many old people find the bikini immodest.

布什生长缓慢,正派,紫外线容易。Bush slow growing, upright, sunburns easily.

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他很可爱,看上去也挺正派。He is kind of cute and he looks very decent.

马克吐温对于不正派的国会议员攻击甚力。Twain is fierce enough with crooked congressmen.

我也是。他们看起来不诚实又不正派。I don't either. They seem dishonest and conniving.

好几个证人可以证明他为人正派。Several witnesses can attest to her good character.

我们需要一个英俊、性感但是还很正派的角色,我们需要一个英雄。We needed someone hot, handsome but who was also decent.

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即使是老马,他戴上领带,一样那样的正派,正正派派。Maradona even wore on a tie, and was very, very positive.

丈夫是一个体面正派的男士,在工作岗位上努力奋斗。The husband is a decent clean-living man, working hard at his job.

布什正派,枝状,根系特别容易蜜。Bush upright, twiggy , roots particularly susceptible to Armillaria.