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无本金交割合同中的结算货币是美元。Non-deliverable contracts are settled in dollars.

不可交割合约以美元结算。Non- deliverable contracts are settled in dollars.

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三是实行船板交割方式,最大限度地降低交割成本。Thirdly, carry out shipping delivery to mostly play down the cost.

你没法通过交割让可可价格翻上一番。You cannot simply take delivery of cocoa and make the price double.

他有时候像闪电般地交割证券交易所的买卖。In the stock-exchange deals he had been as quick as a flash at times.

当涉及到实物交割的时候,支付方式则是不相关的。When it comes to physical delivery, the method of payment is irrelevant.

一些分析师说,无本金交割远期外汇交易低估了人民币可能的走势。And some analysts say the NDFs underestimate the currency's probable move.

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可供交割的现货可在即期或远期基础上换成现金。Actuals available for delivery are traded for cash on a spot or forward basis.

由结算所确定的期货商品交割的票面价格。The price fixed by the clearing house at which deliveries on futures are invoiced.

然而,它并未明确排除可转换交割或零息债券。However it expressly does not prevent delivery of convertible or zero-coupon bonds.

供证券商为履行证券交易市场之交割义务。For securities firms to fulfill settlement obligations on securities trading markets.

期货合约是指双方按约定,在未来某一日进行交割结算的合同A forward contract is a contract made between two parties for execution in the future.

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另外一条规定是,要求期权做市商在交割日前交割证券.A third rule requires option market makers to deliver securities by the settlement date.

金融投机者不会实物交割,他们必须把要到期的合约卖出。Financial buyers can’t take physical delivery and must sell the maturing futures contracts.

这种公司一般并不拥有石油提炼厂,也不进行石油的实物交割。Typically these investment firms do not own oil refineries and take no actual delivery of oil.

所有之交易契约均应以美元现金结算,且毋需以实贷交割。All Contracts shall be cash settled in Dollars and there shall be no delivery under all Contacts.

过去用航邮要花几天才办妥的收付款,协会能在几分钟之内交割。Instead of payments taking days to arrive by airmail, S. W. I. F. T. can deliver them in minutes.

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当期货合约到期时,交易员可以选择进行实物交割,而不用现金结算。When contracts expire, a trader can choose to take physical delivery rather than a cash settlement.

一年期交割远期也稳定在6.5810,预计升值1.1个百分点。Twelve-month deliverable forwards in the city were steady at 6.5785, projecting 1.1 percent appreciation.

无论以何种金融工具付价,都应在该工具的变动超出控制范围之前进行交割。The price of the underlying instrument, in whatever form, is paid before control of the instrument changes.