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浣熊市?。Raccoon city? biohazard?

米加熊市论者仍占少数。“Mega-bears” are still a small minority.

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此际是牛市调整或是熊市回头?Bull Market Correcting or Bear Returning?

那是仍然由熊市把持的点位。The bear market would still be in control.

这样一个市场运动实为熊市反弹。Such market movements are bear-market bounces.

在短期内,熊市仍将占据主导地位。In the near-term, however, the bears may win out.

当然,每一个中国牛市,都会有一个熊市伴随。Of course, for every China bull, there is a bear.

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那可是上一个长期熊市中的熊中之熊。That was the heyday of the last secular bear market.

许多投资商都‘熊市’的关系而悲观失望。Many investors were cast down for the bearish market.

这位顾问是否在牛市和熊市都表现出色?Has the adviser performed well in bull and bear markets?

牛市生财,熊市生财,只有猪被宰杀。Bulls make money . Bears make money. pigs get slaughtered.

或许某些熊市支持者会说这是暴风雨前的宁静。The bears will cry that this is the calm before the storm.

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然后接下来会是个很大的熊市,and it's going to be followed by a significant bear market

熊市的尽头往往是投资者的茫然麻木而非大举溃退。Bear markets often end not in capitulation but stupefaction.

在未来两年里会有不少熊市反弹的局面。There will be many bear-market bounces over the next two years.

如果数字下浮至同样的额度,那么熊市的局面将可能出现。If the number is instead lower by the same margin, it would be bearish.

主要因为珠宝市场熊市,德比尔斯公司资产缩水。Largely because of the jewelry bear market, De Beers’s fortunes have sunk.

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这一来,带有熊市特色的一系列新低点的连接线就突破了。That would break a string of lower highs that characterizes a bear market.

这两个熊市已经让投资者对股票谈虎色变。Those bear markets have left many investors reluctant to buy stocks at all.

五年之久的熊市之后,牛市的结束应该不会这么快。After a five-year-long bear market, the bull market shouldn't end that fast.