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用IAP九层大气环流模式模拟了全球季风系统。The global monsoon system is simulated by IAP 9L AGCM.

这些环流异常早就为人们所认识。These circulation anomalies have long been recognized.

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ECHAM4模式对大气环流的气候态有较好的模拟能力。ECHAM4 can simulate the average climate state of air circulation.

经圈环流的分析结果也与此相吻合。The analysis on the meridional circulation also proves above view.

在每类环流型中,南支槽都起着重要作用。The southern trough plays the important role in all of the models.

夏季旱涝与冬季环流关系密切。Winter circulation and summer drought and flood is closely related.

气旋性环流和气旋性涡度在对流层中层的700毫巴附近最强。The strongest cyclonic circulation and vorticity are at about 700 mb.

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模式中应用的流场来自根据加热率计算得到的剩余环流。The wind field is residual circulation calculated from diabatic rate.

空气没有传来答案,只是重新回到它懒懒的环流中去了。But the air received no answers and went back to its lazy circulation.

南海北部环流系统主要受气旋环流所支配。The northern SCS is dominated mainly by a cyclonic circulation system.

采用气升式环流生物反应器处理模拟废水。The air-lift loop bioreactor was used in simulated wastewater treatment.

渤海的环流特点是北进南出。TheYellow Sea warm current flows northwestwardly into the north of Bohai.

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这种环流的存在直接影响到次网格地表通量的计算。This kind of circulation directly influences the sub-grid surface fluxes.

其它因素也对学者的全球环流有影响。Other factors have had an impact on the global circulation of researchers.

奈特说,“大气环流自然发生变异。"Variations in atmospheric circulation happen spontaneously, " says Knight.

模拟出的南大洋环流和海冰与已有的实测结果符合良好。The simulated circulation and sea ice cover agree well with the observed data.

对于大直径的环流反应器推荐使用多环分布器。Gas distributors with multi-loops were recommended in big-diameter loop reactors.

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特设下吹风管及环流排风功能,保证塑料干燥温度均匀,提高干燥效率。Downward blowing and circumfluent hot-air assures even drying and high efficiency.

当环流供暖需求在今后几个月,上升EIA盼望价格增加。EIA expects prices to increase as space-heating demand rises in the coming months.

微分环流技术生产三氯异氰尿酸,工艺集成度较高。The differential circle flow process is taken to produce trichloroisocyanuric acid.