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他特别看好大米和食糖。He particularly likes rice and sugar.

食糖一磅涨了5分钱。Sugar has advanced five cents a pound.

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但是豆奶可能是源自转基因大豆.那么食糖呢?Do you use soy milk instead? It's probably from GMO soybeans.

食糖生产成本的国际比较等问题。International comparision of sugar production cost, so and on.

专家建议儿童不该吃太多的食糖。The specialist suggested that children should not eat too much sugar.

你最好购进食糖,因为市场上马上就要缺货了。You had better stock up with sugar because there is going to be a shortage.

比如说一听12盎司的普通苏打饮料可能就包含了10茶匙的食糖。A 12-ounce can of regular soda pop, for instance, contains about 10 teaspoons of sugar.

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它说,这是真正的信任已经形成了食糖生产行业的垄断。It said that it was true the trust had formed a monopoly in the sugar-producing industry.

饭后,人客还可以从丸药盒里取食糖果。After meal, the guest returns back to fruit being able to fetch sugar from the pillbox li.

因此国外把糖醇作为食糖替代品,广泛应用于食品工业。As one kind of replacer of sugar, sugar alcohol is used widely in food industry in abroad.

美国人爱食糖、各种方式,从纯白色颗粒液体糖果给蓬蓬棉花。Americans love sugar in all forms, from pure white granulated to liquid to fluffy cotton candy.

泰国还是稻米、食糖和其他一些农产品的主要出口国。It's also among of the world's largest exporters of rice, sugar and other agricultural products.

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多米诺骨牌,美国最大的食糖生产商,使用骨炭过滤糖的杂质。Domino, the largest sugar producer in America, uses bone char to filter impurities from its sugar.

美国食糖协会,〈新的全球研究证实美国人为食糖付更少的钱〉,2003年2月21日。American Sugar Alliance. "New Global Study Confirms Americans Pay Less For Sugar. " February 21, 2003.

拉齐德先生还表示,中粮集团在购买30%的塔利糖占食糖由麦凯举行感兴趣。Mr De Lacy also said that Cofco was interested in purchasing the 30 per cent of Tully Sugar held by Mackay Sugar.

选择要素如大米,食糖,食油,面粉和国内运输不会受到商品及服务税。Selected essentials like rice, sugar, cooking oil, flour and domestic transportation would not be subjected to GST.

取代糖与食糖替代品,因为这些自然甜味剂将产生有利于健康的影响。Replacing sugar as well as these sugar alternatives with natural sweeteners will have a beneficial effect on health.

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过量进食糖和吃加工精细的淀粉物质会极大地影响肠道有益菌群生态平衡。Over consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates greatly affects the balance of good flora in the intestinal tract.

放债者会塞钱给办事员,让他们用配给卡去囤积国家补贴的粮食、食糖和燃料。In turn, moneylenders slip money to clerks to let them use the ration cards to collect the subsidized grain, sugar and fuel.

采购产品农业和农业为基础的产品和商品,食糖,原棉,棉籽,大豆,小麦,大麦,玉米,糖,谷类。Agro and Agro Based Products and Commodities, Sugar, Raw Cotton, Cottonseed , Soybean, Wheat, Barley, Corn, Sugar, Grains, Meals.