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喜欢想象自己是怀揣着一个目标在世间漫游。I like to think I wander with a purpose.

怀揣着500元,他来到这座城市,想要实现自己的歌手梦。With only 500 yuan in his pocket, he came to the city to sing.

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论你是否知道该说什么和做什么,重要的是怀揣一颗关怀备至的心。Just be there to care, whether you know what to do and say or not.

虽然走不远,但怀揣梦想。我保证某天你会蜕变。Butterly , fly away. Take those dreams and make them all come true.

一群怀揣梦想的孩子,一支英勇卓绝的军队,这就是岚海!The children with a dream, a valiant, excellent army, and this is Lhave!

1910年6月3日,他在奥斯陆起锚,怀揣击败斯科特的愿望。He left Oslo in June 3, 1910 with the intent of beating Scott to his goal.

两年前,我们怀揣着梦想聚到一起,开头了我们的高中之旅。Two years ago, we carries a dream together and began our high school trip.

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怀揣着共同的梦想,我们心连心暂别水乡。With same dream, and hearts connected together despite being so far apart.

当她走近我时,我看清了她怀揣的东西,我的眼睛开始潮湿。As she came closer, I saw what she held and tears began misting in my eyes.

这让阿拉伯的非宗教自由主义者和一些怀揣美好愿望的西方人紧张不已。This rattles secular-minded Arab liberals and many well-wishing Westerners.

我并不认为怀揣着如此势利态度的广告值得信赖。I do not see this author as trustworthy it seems as if they have a snobby attitude.

1921年,怀揣着成为伟大作家的梦想,他和年轻的妻子初次抵达巴黎。He first arrived in Paris in 1921, with a young wife and the ambition to be a great writer.

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这张照片展现了一个26岁但仍像所有的年轻人一样怀揣着奥运梦想的他。The Advertiser picture shows the 26-year-old as a youngster on the road to his Olympic dream.

怀揣这种理念,他们为PaaS设定了一组需要实现的目标,包括With this in mind, they have build up a set of goals that the PaaS needs to include, these are

一年后,我怀揣着大学录取通知书来看玲子了。One year later, I came to see Linzi with the admission notice in my pocket, but she wasn't here.

作为北漂一族,整日游游荡荡,为了生存挣扎,怀揣渺茫梦想,自欺欺人自强。As the north bleaching, in order to survive all wandering, struggles, dreams, deceive himself off slim.

由于怀揣明星梦,中国的许多年轻人开始将歌手列入自己的职业选项中。With the lure of stardom, many Chinese young people are starting to look at singing as a career option.

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有人怀揣着许多的获得,却身心疲惫,不敢放弃。The someone bosom Chuai wear to manily acquire, but the mind and body be exhausted and dare not to give up.

这样,基里洛夫的手枪又在俄罗斯的某处响起,但是这个世界继续怀揣着种种盲目的希望,而不为所动。Thus again Kirilov's pistol rang out somewhere in Russia, but the world continued to cherish its blind hopes.

在这场有始无终的旅行中,我只是怀揣着一颗浪迹的心,除此之外别无它物。In this field having a beginning but no end of travel, I only have a life of the heart, in addition to nothing.