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赵亮和他的〈上访〉均被提及。Zhao and "Petition" were actually mentioned by name.

准备上访先获罪社会黑不黑…Petition for first convicted of social black not black?

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赵亮和他的〈上访〉均被提及。Mr. Zhao and “Petition” were actually mentioned by name.

大部分上访钉子户都是精神病。The most dogged petitioners are often classified as crazy.

长期以来,上访制度为农村积怨提供了一个出口。The petitioning system has long provided an outlet for rural grievances.

一益、上访人员跟踪提供素材,有益解决问题!One benefits, petitioners track to provide material useful to solve the problem!

同是上访的人搜集了两位的残肢,喊着政党下台。Fellow petitioners collect their body parts and call for the ouster of the Communist Party.

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那是他在街上无意中受理的一个进京上访告状案。It was in the street, he accidentally received a petition to Beijing to complain to the case.

赵亮拍摄的镜头长达500小时,有时在上访办公室里采用隐蔽拍摄。Mr. Zhao shot 500 hours of footage, sometimes using hidden cameras inside the petition office.

第三章是“过程——事件”中的农民集体上访。The third chapter is farmers' appealing to the higher authorities for help in "Process—Event".

官方错误行为的受害者经常经常这样的上访,通常他们得到的是漠不关心。Victims of official wrongdoing often make such trips, and usually they are given short shrift.

同时,审查员封锁了豆瓣网上所有关于〈上访〉的话题。Meanwhile, censors blocked any mention of “Petition” on Douban, an arts social networking site.

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失地问题已成为京郊农民上访的主流。Beijing suburb farmers' appealing to the higher authorities for help focus losing land problems.

如果被担保的人再次去北京上访,这四个担保人将丢失他们的工作。If the guarantee goes to Beijing to petition again, then the four guarantors will lose their jobs.

校长把龙老师训一通,斥为“越级上访”,是没有道理的。Principal dragon old teachings, reprimands as jumps the ranks appeals for help, does not have the truth.

他们对于越过他们头顶直接向首都上级领导上访的环保主义者很是反感。They have little enthusiasm for environmentalists who appeal over their heads to higher-ups in the capital.

安表示,“若出现越级上访,当地党和政府领导人会受到处分。”"If petitioners bypass local authorities, the head of both the Party and government get punished, " An said.

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建立了处理诉迁问题联动机制,完善解决上访问题长效机制。Establish mechanisms to deal with them v. evictions , the long-standing mechanism to resolve petition problem.

如果真是干了犯法的事儿,那不叫上访,何来什么“违法上访”?If they really broke the law, their act would not be petitioning. So where did "illegal petitioning" come from?

一个镇的党委书记跪在路上请求家长们停止上访,但被拒绝。In one town, the top Communist Party leader got down on his knees and begged parents to stop a march, but they refused.