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这四个T头韵押得有韵味。The four T's alliterate well.

奇妙的味道中带着中国韵味。Amazing taste with Chinese atomosphere. P. S.

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她的唱腔很有韵味。Her singing has a special pleasing quality about it.

带焙火的韵味与香气,饮后令人回味无穷。With flavor and aroma of baking, after drinking halls.

他的剧作含蓄蕴藉,韵味无穷,富含浓郁的诗情。His play has endless charm, is implicit and poetry-rich.

常常说某人韵味犹存,就是久留的香气的缘故。Charm still often said that a person is to stay because of the aroma.

画面墨淡气雅,设色颇有浪漫主义韵味。The portrait, painted in a simple but elegant style, has a romantic flavor.

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品酒,无论是古今中外,都是一件极其讲求韵味的事情。Throughout human history, wine tasting has been a practice of delicate charm.

其墨透纸背的韵味像极米芾书风,而且书写内容与历史也互相吻合。The style looks like Mi Fu's very much and the content coincides with history.

乌镇的水阁正已它独特的韵味受到越来越多的人的喜爱。Wuzhen is a Shuige its unique charm has been more and more people's affection.

俚语是通俗的口头语,带有浓郁的地方色彩和民间韵味。As a patois , or colloquial , slang is permeated with rich local color and flavor.

春川湖是具备风味、韵味和风景的家庭旅行地。It is harmonized with taste, charm and scenery, and is suitable for family resort.

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姜涛的水墨艺术醉心于东方化的水墨韵味,推崇意象化的表达。Jiang Tao ink art obsessed with oriental charm ink, respected imagery of expression.

晚饭后,在花前月下散步别有一番韵味。After supper, walking by the flowers and under the moon has a unique lingering charm.

典籍翻译是否应当传递古雅韵味?这是一个长期困扰翻译界的问题。Transmission of ancientness in classics translation has long been a disputable issue.

它有着飘逸雅致的韵味,出自于太初年代人类生活的基本工具。It is elegant and refined flavor, from the beginning of human life in the basic tools.

二胡是弓弦乐器中流行最广又独具特色和民族韵味的拉弦乐器。The Erhu is one of the most popular bowed string instruments with a unique nationality.

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用这一天的时间饱览柏林历史名胜,感受柏林城多重历史韵味。Spend a day walking around Berlin's historic center, tracing the many layers of history.

这是一种新颖的设计手法,演绎木质与板式韵味并存的唯美结合。This is the novel design, it shows the perfect combine of the wooden and the panel style.

哪些流行歌曲里搀杂有中国韵味或中国戏曲的旋律、歌词?Which flavor of pop music where adulterated with China or Chinese opera melodies, lyrics?