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瞧,我淋了个落汤鸡。Look, I am soaked through.

他浑身湿得像只落汤鸡。He was wet all over like a drowned rat.

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真不幸,汤姆在雨中被淋成了落汤鸡。Unfortunately, Tom was caught in the rain.

天哪,你都成落汤鸡了。你的车呢?My goodness, you're soaked through. Where's your car?

她冒着暴雨来,淋得像落汤鸡。She came in from the storm looking like a drowned rat.

刻她就变成只落汤鸡了!Engrave her to convert Be obtaining extra dropping watery!

有人要猜看看我们有被打湿吗?或者应该说是变成落汤鸡。Anyone wants to guess if we ever got wet? or I should say SOAKED?

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我只能冒雨骑车回家,进门的时候湿得像一只落汤鸡。I had to cycle home in the rain and came in looking like a downed rat.

但那些祖上很早就住在英国的人,却宁愿变成落汤鸡。But those whose families have lived here for generations prefer getting soaked.

他回来时正下着瓢泼大雨,所以他看上去像个落汤鸡。It was raining dogs and cats when he came home, so he looked like a drowned rat.

野餐时突然大雨滂沱,人人淋得像落汤鸡一样。In the middle of the picnic, it started to rain buckets and everybody got soaked.

今天早上他忘记带雨伞了,被淋得像落汤鸡似的。He forgot the umbrella this morning and was caught in the rain like a drowned rat.

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他好像舍不得死,所以又跑上船去了,全身都湿得像落汤鸡一样。He seemed to not want to die.He climbed up onto the boat, looking like a wet bird.

在野餐进行到一半时突然下起瓢泼大雨,每个人都成了落汤鸡。In the middle of the picnic, it started to rain cats and dogs and everybody got soaked.

在肯亚的湿季,草原上下气倾盆大雨,此时的猎豹会被淋成落汤鸡。Cheetahs get drenched during Kenya's wet season, when clouds open up over the open plains.

好家伙!这对落汤鸡!不要把我们的客厅弄湿了。Pretty figures you look! There's a perfect waterfall from them! Don't swamp our drawing-room.

大多数郊游者在看起来即将下雨时就采取挡雨措施。而那些拖延的少数人往往被淋成落汤鸡。Most of the picnickers took cover when rain seemed imminent. The few that procrastinated got drenched.

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“漂流船”把我们变成落汤鸡。在“干燥亭”里只要花2英镑就可以让你温暖如春。River Rapid" made us be soaked to the skin. There were dry kiosk which can warm you by paying 2 pounds."

现在雨下得正大,出去就会淋成个落汤鸡,咱们等雨小点儿再出去吧。It's raining hard outside. We'll become like drenched chickens if we go outside now. Let's wait for a minute.

之后,狂欢者便可以向任何移动的物体投掷西红柿,而所有的人都将在这一狂欢中成为“落汤鸡”。That is the signal for participants to hurl fruit at anything that moves and everybody gets drenched in the proce.