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他们认为她是模范女子。They co ider her a model woman.

不要拿我作为模范丈夫的例子。Don't hold me up as a model husband.

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孩子们需要有模范人物做榜样。Kids need role models to look up to.

我真没想到,他竟是个模范丈夫。I never imagined he'd be a good husband.

大宗金钱费于建设模范农场。Large sums were expended on model farms.

一个好的教师必须是学习的模范。Agood teacher must be an example in study.

这样的乡政府,是真正模范的乡政府。Such township governments are really models.

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九岁的我是模范学生,好学,听话,负责任。At nine years old, I was the perfect student.

而如果他那么做了,他就是个模范士兵。If he does do them, he’s an exemplary soldier.

它是否可以作为城市中正义的模范?Can it serve as a model for justice in the city?

英雄模范身上挂满了勋章。The heroes and models were bedecked with medals.

他们与社区进行交流,并发挥模范带头作用。They speak with communities and lead by example.

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他荣获模范教师的光荣称号。He was awarded the honorable title of model teacher.

“马哥”就是我心中的模范,就是我心中的先锋!Brother Ma is a model to me and a pioneer in my heart!

伯承同志是勤读不厌的模范。Comrade Bocheng is a fine example of a tireless reader.

涿州是中国优秀旅游城市、全国双拥模范城。Zhuozhou excellent tourist city in China, among others.

愿基督徒依上帝的婚姻计划作贞节模范。Pray for Christians to model Gods plan for sexual purity.

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我们知道很多营利性的,模范网站正在挣扎。We know that many of the for-profit models have struggled.

他是个模范丈夫,从来不会瞒着妻子做一切事情。He is a very good husband and never runs around on his wife.

少数模范人物的神话把这些差异全都抹煞了。The model minority myth renders all those distinctions moot.