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我要两张今天日场的票。Not unless you want the matinee.

我要两张今天日场的票。I want two tickets for today's matinee.

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我们去看日场电影省几块钱吧。Let's go to a matinee and save a few bucks.

事实上,我对日场并不感兴趣。In fact I am not interested in matinee show.

没有,除非你要日场。Not unless you want the matinee . ! important.

今天日场的票全售完了。We have nothing at all left for today's matinee.

有可能买到今天日场的票子吗?Be there any chance of get ticket for today's matinee?

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那么,给我两张星期三日场的包厢票。Then, give me two box seats for the Wednesday matinee.

我们去看日场还是夜场?Are we going to the matinee or the evening performance?

是的,先生,我们每星期三和星期六都有一场日场。Yes, sir. We have a matinee every Wednesday and Saturday.

有可能买到今天日场的票子吗?Is there any chance of getting tickets for today's matinee?

我还有可能买到明天日场的票吗?Do I have any chance of getting tickets for tomorrow' s matinee?

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我们晚上演出的票已经售完,但是日场演出还没有。We are sold out for the evening performance, but there is a matinee.

日场联欢包场与会议包场价格相同。The price of party block in the day time is similar to the meeting block.

此优惠只适用于日场及夜场之正价戏票。This offer is applicable to the regular price of matinee and night shows.

与此相反,家庭影片的票房往往会受到周六日场的更大提振。Family films, on the other hand, tend to receive a bigger boost from Saturday matinees.

日场,日戏一种娱乐节目,白天演出,通常指午后的戏剧或音乐表演。An entertainment, such as a dramatic or musical performance, given in the daytime, usually in the afternoon.

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在日场里创建一个相机后,一个相机装置也会出现,只要你没有在相机里,就会看到它,选择并进行编辑。Once you have created a camera within matinee, a camera gizmo will appear and as long as you are not inside the camera you will be able to see it and select it, editing it's properties.

横穿长岛东部的大风那么强烈,它将整个电影院掀离了地面,并抛到两英里外的海里——当时,看日场电影的人群和放映员还在电影院里面。Winds across eastern Long Island were so strong that an entire movie theater was lifted off the ground and thrown two miles out to sea — with the matinee crowd and projectionist still inside.