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让我在茫茫人海中遇见你。Let me meet you in the world.

人海茫茫中,我认识你。Out of the many people, I know you.

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才有今日流入人海茫茫。So today into the vast sea of faces.

我们是否只是在人海中载浮载沉的几张脸?Are we just sinking in an ocean of faces?

现在,所有这些设计都丢失在茫茫人海中了!Now all of these plans are lost to humanity.

人海茫茫,希望缘分将我和你联系在一起。Looking for a serious long term relationship.

为什么我总能从人海茫茫中认出他来呢?Why can I always recognize him among the crowd?

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缘分,让我在茫茫人海中遇见了你。Fate, let me in the boundless huge crowd met you.

人海之中,找到了你,一切变了有情义。In the crowd, I find you, everything gets colorful.

他曾经在战斗中打退过苏军14次人海冲击。He personally held out against 14 human-wave attacks.

寻寻觅觅,茫茫人海终于找到你。Searches, the boundless huge crowd found you finally.

在茫茫人海中,找着往日熟悉的背影。In the boundless huge crowd, find the old familiar figure.

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她在茫茫人海中寻寻觅觅找到了当年救他的许仙。In the vast sea searching to find the year to save Xu Xian.

“人海战术”首先体现在明星扎堆。"Mass strategy" is reflected in the star crowding together.

在茫茫人海的望江路有我们的青春影子。Has our youth shadow in the boundless huge crowd's Wangjiang road.

我走在巴拿马的路旁,恨不能在茫茫人海遇见我的小羔羊。I walk along the road, hoping to meet my little lamb in the crowd.

但茫茫人海,漂泊人生,我始终没能寻到那个人。But in the vast world and wavy life I could not find such a person.

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浩浩人海,茫茫人世,我们像行星一样规则的在自己的轨道上运行。The vast sea, the vast earth like planets, we rule in its own orbit.

人海中娇颜幽幽浮现,湿漉漉黑枝昙花片片。Apparition of these faces in the crowd. Petals on a wet, black, bough.

相信爱情,相信还有人在茫茫人海中寻觅你。Believe in love, believe others in the boundless huge crowd seeking you.