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我不用再大开间办公室里工作了。I don't work in the open-plan office anymore.

嘿,我们开间房,小子如果你决定了我们可以去亲热亲热。Hey, let's get a room, shawty we can freak somethin' if you down.

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顶层端部开间层间位移最大。The interlayer displacement of end bay of the top story is maximal.

因为是就一自然间的宽度而言,故又称开间。It is a natural one because the width, it is also standard width of a room.

该坊形制为四柱三门三重檐、三开间牌楼坊。There are four column, three gates, three brims , three openings in the archway.

利用SAP2000建立大开间密肋复合板隔震模型。Using SAP2000 establish a large bay multi-ribbed composite wall isolation model.

大房间开间占据整个船身宽度,足够容纳一百二十个海员的多层架子板床和吊床。The cabin ran the width of the ship and had bunks and hammock space for a hundred and twenty men.

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我们的基地位于两座围墙之间,开间10米,进深20米,在此我们将建造100平方米的住宅。In a site between party walls 10 meters wide by 20 meters deep, we were to develop a 100 m2 house.

本文正是对八层大开间混凝土砌体隔震模型结构进行地震模拟振动台实验。In this text, shaking table test is performed on an 8-story concrete hollow masonry with large bay.

我曾经希望,现在希望并将希望着能写本书,开间咖啡馆和画廊或者迷你画廊。I wanted, want and will be want to write a book, open a café house and hold a gallery bar or mini bar.

建筑设计为矩形教学楼,以柱子定轴线,教室开间进深6.60m,办公室4.20m。Architecture design for rectangular building, set axis, the classroom to post office m, 6.60 deep bay 4.20 m.

机房为长方形大开间,可自由分割,利用率非常高。The machine room is rectangular with large space. It can be divided freely. The utilization rate is very high.

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框支短肢剪力墙适用于底部大开间上部小开间的高层建筑。The frame-supported short-leg shear wall is a combination of short leg shear-wall and frame-supported shear wall.

位置位于朝阳门内,新闻发布中心对面,北向的开间,开发商精装修,温馨舒适。Location in the Chaoyang gate, opposite the press center, north to the bay, developers decoration, warm and comfortable.

本文从商品住宅的进深、面宽、开间等方面着手,通过数学模型来探讨商品住宅的住宅容积率与居住品质问题。Through analysis on depth, width and span the author discusses floor area ratio and living quality by means of mathematical model.

本文总结了大开间灵活分隔多层住宅结构的特点和计算方法。This article is a summary of the structural characteristics and calculations of the flexible big- bay and large-span room dwellings.

错列剪力墙结构是将一系列与楼层等高和开间等宽的墙板沿框架高度隔层跨布置。Staggered shear walls structures are composed of story-deep and bay-wide discrete staggered walls along height of high-rise buildings.

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除了接受酬劳制作东西之外,德梅萨克还拨出时间在她的曼哈顿开间公寓里为新的设计而工作。In addition to the content she is paid to create, Ms. Domesek sets aside time to work on new projects out of her Manhattan studio apartment.

这种楼板结构可以使弯矩分布合理,并可减轻楼板结构的重量,增大开间。Using this type of slab, a more reasonable moment distribution can be obtained, and the floor weight is decreased with the increase of the space.

建筑风格灵活、丰富。大开间的设计,户内空间可多方案分割,满足用户的不同需求。Agility and richness architectural manner. Wide interspace design, indoor space can be divided to more schemes to meet the different needs of resident.