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有没有过表里一致的信仰生活?Am I consistent in my life?

所有ee被装载在一个链表里。All ees are chained together in a link list.

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时间在垫上的钟表里嘀嗒流逝。Time is tickling in clock under the cushion.

在名次表里,我们排在第二位。We are in the second place in the table of ranking.

那种表里反差强烈的男人,也许是善于心计的。That list of contrast men, maybe good at calculation.

二文互为表里,有不少一致之处。Complementing each other, the two have much in common.

我没有把最糟糕的个人发展错误列进表里。The worst personal development mistake didn't make the list.

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但是在俄罗斯,表里差距有些大。But in Russia, the gap between façade and reality yawns larger.

萨提亚模式的主要目标是达到表里一致及高的自我价值。Congruence and high self-esteem are major goals in the Satir Model.

下面的图表里包含了十种不同的文化,和62种情绪。The Chart below encompasses 10 different cultures, and 62 emotions.

因为沉睡的灵魂如死一般,事物的表里并不一样。For the soul is dead that slumbers, and things are not what they seem.

风雨苍黄七十年,长城表里八千里。Rain pale seventy years, inside and outside the Great Wall eight miles.

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在历史纪年表里,斯蒂夫·赵博思的影响似乎已经超过了拿破仑。IN THE annals of history, Steve Jobs appears to have one-upped Napoleon.

霏欧纳从自己的表里射出来什么东西——这让特雷福安静下来。Fiona shot something out of her watch, which made Trevor silence immediately.

康雨明啊,康雨明,原来当年你的心思藏在这块表里。Kang Yuming, Kang Yuming, the original when your mind is hidden in this list.

如果其目的地址不在这个路由表里,路由器就将数据包丢弃。If the destination address is not in the routing table, the packet is dropped.

这计划和日本人的民族优越感共相表里。The program was consistent with the Japanese view of their racial superiority.

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我们表里一致,并已准备好面对人生道路上的机会。We're in alignment and ready for the opportunities that life puts in our path.

是啊我也一直想在这个表里找到库里的名字,但是一开始没找到。Yeah I was looking all over the chart for Curry and couldn t find him at first.

表里描述了不同存取方法下的不同URL样子。The table describes how different URL schemes map to the available access methods.