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玛丽兴致勃勃地气参加舞会。Mary went to the ball with bells on.

由于地气的原因,这根铁柱子已经生锈了。This iron pillar has rusted because of the humidity in the land.

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春冻解,地气始通,土一息争。Spring frozen solution, enrage general, soil a reconciliation beginning.

在隐伏断层的上方出现了氡和地气异常。There is abnormal distribution of radiometric Rn over the concealed fault.

描述窗帘上尘土地气味,还有楼梯吱吱嘎嘎地声音。Describe the smell of the dust on the curtains and the sound of the creaky stairs.

由此表明,利用地气图方法可以较好地预测青海省的雪灾。So Di-qi map method may be used for predicting the snow disaster of Qinghai Province.

每天进进出出一定像一场冒险,但是至少你总是接着地气。Getting in and out must be an adventure each day, but at least you are always close to the action.

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冻土层的变化与地气交接面的能量交换过程有直接的联系。Variations of frozen soil layer have direct relation with the energy exchange between the ground and atmosphere.

“天时地气材美工巧”是中国古代造物的重要设计思想。It is a very important thinking in ancient Chinese design to be harmonious with time, environment, material, and art.

就中国全国平均而言,各月地气系统云辐射强迫净温度效应一般表现为降温作用。On average, the temperature effect of cloud forcing in each month results in cooling of the earth's atmosphere over China.

地气测量方法可以查明深部的地球化学异常和断裂破碎带的位置及特征,确定深部地球化学界面的分布。The results show that these two methods and techniques can reveal the site and distribution of geochemical interfaces clearly.

远处的村子此刻在夕阳的朦胧意境里有如海市蜃楼中的景致,在腾腾乳样地气的包裹中若幻若虚。The village now in the obscurity mood in the landscape such as mirage, steaming the milk sample in air parcel if magic if empty.

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希望这本书能够大卖,激励作者创作续集,帮助外国人接上中国文化的“地气”。I hope the book sells well and would encourage the author to write another book helping Westerners acclimatize to Chinese culture.

地气测量是寻找深部隐伏矿床的一种化探新方法,目前这一方法已在许多国家和地区应用并迅速发展。Geogas prospecting is a new method for prospecting the deep concealed deposits and is applied comprehensively in several countries now.

仨人来到凹头沟,那块地油油的,在黄褐色中透出一种精明,若隐若现的地气像麻雀扇动的翅膀。Three men come Ao Tou Gou. It is fertile and shows shrewd in the yellow brown. Partly hidden and partly visible gas likes a sparrow wings.

通过对新场气田地气测量分析,发现地气测量的纳米微粒金属元素在新场气田上方有明显的异常显示。Geogas survey performed in the Xinchang gas field shows that there exist obvious anomalies of nano-particle metal elements over the gas field.

在国际空间站的24名远征队员拍摄了这幅被轨道日出所照耀的极地气层云。The Expedition 24 crew on the International Space Station photographed this image of polar mesospheric clouds illuminated by an orbital sunrise.

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提出在路基中水平布置纵向管路来采控天然冷量,在冬季采集并存储地气温差所造成的冷量,夏季释放,以维护路基稳定的方法。A new method that gathers and controls nature cold energy to keep the permafrost roadbed stability with horizontal pipes is put forward in the paper.

该特殊局地环流系统所导致的地气交换过程可能不同于平坦地形和其他山区。The distinct mountain system could cause a different surface-to-air exchange process from that over the plateau flat areas and other mountain regions.

对云南会泽大黑山玄武岩铜矿床地气微粒采样,并用透射电子显微镜分析。Geogas particles have been sampled from Daheishan basalt copper deposit in the Huize county of Yunnan and analyzed by transmission electron microscopy.