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但是用它破案比靠那些侦探们要简单多少呢?But how easy would it be to outfox the detectives?

你不坦白交代,警察也能破案。Even if you don't confess, the police will clear up.

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警察只用了几天就破案了。It took the police only several days to break the case.

“鲍勃,”哈梅林说,“你给我们提供了破案的线索。"Bob, " Hamelin said, "you've given us the key to something.

整个会面就是一场精心安排的误导破案的表演。The whole meeting was an elaborately staged act of misdirection.

协助警察破案来实现自己的人生价值。T assists constabulary crack a criminal case to realize his life value.

与此同时,Erin在她的帽子显著的地方抄录了破案法庭的逮捕命令。Erin, meanwhile, notably pulls a case-breaking court order out of her hat.

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如果警察想破案的话,就要找到那个匿名的线人。The police need to find the anonymous tipster if they want to solve the crime.

杰克是位有名的破案高手,他经常帮助警方破获各种案件。Jack is a famous detective. He often helps the police crack all kinds of cases.

贵仁得知后决定协助欧文一同破案。Guiren determines to help Owen to solve a case together after learning the fact.

一件不起眼的证据——只旧鞋——正是这件谋杀案中破案所需的关键。A small bit of evidence---an old sloe--proved to he missing link in the murder case.

利用线人破案已成为各国侦查实践中的重要手段。The use of informants detection has become an important means in investigation practice.

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对大多数罪犯来说,最大的威慑力量是警方可能会破案并将他们逮捕。The most important deterrent for most criminals is the likelihood of detection and arrest.

于是他亲自到大元公司了解案情,部署破案。Then himself knows details of a case to yuan of big company, deploy crack a criminal case.

侦察员顾群接受任务后,立即走访群众,了解破案线索。After scout Gu Qun accepts the job, visit masses instantly, know cue of crack a criminal case.

每个受害人都隐瞒着他或她的秘密,让警探感到难以破案。The detectives find it difficult to solve the case when each victim hides his or her own secrets.

在哈利法克斯自治地区目前还有大量性服务业者被谋杀的案件没有破案。There are a number of unsolved murders of sex-trade workers in the Halifax Regional Municipality.

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侦查假说,是侦查人员在侦查破案过程中必不可少的思维过程。Investigative hypothesis is absolutely necessarily in the investigative process for investigators.

国际刑警也发出一个许诺,将推动并帮助跨国合作破案。The International Criminal Police Organization also issued a wanted warrant, giving a helping hand.

大树为求侦查破案线索,以特别方法协助花苹融入师奶群中。The tree for criminal investigation clues to special methods to help take apple into division milk group.