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为什么这个〈楞严咒〉一念,那个先梵天咒就没有效验了呢?Why was the mantra from the Brahma Heavens rendered useless?

我们进行了重大改革,也几多有些效验。We are making big reforms and are achieving somewhat better results now.

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互联网是提高物流效率和效验的壮大工具。Internet is a powerful tool for improving logistical effectiveness and efficiency.

系统崩溃可能导致写操作时数据效验的不致性。System crashes can result in inconsistent parity by interrupting write operations.

异步效验错误总数。有杂音的传输线路会造成这些错误。Total number of async parity errors. These can be caused by a noisy transmission line.

高可靠性,它采用了现场总线技术并有误码效验功能。Good reliability-It takes advantage of fieldbus technique and error code test function.

最后一节所探讨的,是内丹呼吸修炼之整体过程、次第以及相应产生之各种效验。The last section probes the process, grades and effect of breath practice of Inner Alchemy.

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在更高的目种的附加的评价必须被完成赞助效验。Additional assessments in higher order species must be accomplished to corroborate efficacy.

陈二奶奶热心的等着看看神符的效验,所以祥子得给她预备点饭。As the old woman was eager to wait and see the effect of the charm, Xiangzi had to give her a meal.

当系统重新启动后,所有的不一致效验扇区一定要重新生成。When bringing a system up from a system crash, all inconsistent parity sectors must be regenerated.

如果每个人对每件事都是差不多,那可以想象这件事的最终效验肯定是大打折扣。If everyone for everything is similar, the final effect that can imagine this thing must be reduced.

模型的效验与扰动试验验证了所建模型的有效性与合理性。The model efficacy and disturbance tests have verified the effectiveness and rationality of the model.

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半岛电视台没有说它是如何获得这盘录像带的,CNN还没有独立对这一视频进行过效验。Al-Jazeera did not say how it obtained the material, the authenticity of which CNN has not independently verified.

以上动作重复做30分钟,配合轮流抱膝运动15分钟,就能起到减肥瘦身的效验。Repeat the above action for 30minutes, with rotation tuck exercise for 15minutes, you can lose weight to play the effect.

视觉效验在扮饰画中独具匠心,是手工扮饰画的佼佼者。The visual effect establishes a new school in the decoration painting, is the manual decoration painting outstanding person.

自然柔美,色泽粉中带绿,高贵典雅,扮饰效验呈现高感度视觉效验。Natural and soft coloration present American Cherry unique character on decoration, especially on the office and living room.

他们录下了一段有关胰腺内活体胰岛素分泌细胞的节奏时钟的短视频以供视觉效验。The visual proof is shown in a short video they produced of the beating clock in live insulin-producing cells of the pancreas.

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比利时馆效验图比利时展馆占地面积将达5250平方米,其中包孕欧盟展厅。Belgium museum exhellobition covers an area of rendering Belgium will reach 5250 square meters, including the exhellobition hall.

精选数千个传神场景、非主流场景、令人喜爱场景,仅需1秒便可制造出超酷名人效验!Featured thousands of realistic scenarios, non-mainstream scene, lovely scene, only 1 second is needed to create a cool star effect!

许多代表性基因都被认为会影响寿命,但鲜有能在多重人群中得到一致效验的那种。While many candidate genes have been suggested to affect lifespan, very few have been consistently verified in multiple populations.