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我们谋取他们的帮助。We enlisted them to help.

利用您的资产谋取私利。Exploiting your assets for personal gain.

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他们不择手段谋取党的领导权。They jockey for the leaderships of the party.

利用别人来谋取私利是不道德的。Using other people for one's own profit is unethical.

“谋取近利”这一指导思想已经扼杀了这个国家。This short term make-a-fast-buck philosophy has killed this country.

目前,坦桑尼亚是世界屠宰大象谋取象牙的中心。At present, Tanzania is at the centre of the world's ivory slaughter.

但其他的行省开始在帝国式微之下谋取各自的利益。The provinces start to take advantage of the Empire's weakened state.

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而如果是那个与你有关系的年轻人,那么你就为他谋取利益。If it’s the young man you had a relationship with, then you pursue that.

沙俄利用阿古柏政权,通过各种手段,谋取到了在新疆的很多侵略权益。Russia grabbed many invasive privileges in Xinjiang by a lots of measures.

住宅成了少数一些富人囤积居奇谋取暴利的手段。The houses have become a few rich people's means of cornering and profiteering.

如果你积极行善,有人会指责你别有用心、谋取私利。但是不管怎样,还是要积极行善。If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives. Do good anyway.

专制腐败型,利用手中权势,在改革中为自己谋取私利,欺压百姓。The autocratic ones are those who just make profits for themselves from the reform.

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古时候有一个县官,贪污受贿,谋取私利。In ancient times there was a country magistrate who took bribes and practised graft.

全误会荣利用自己谋取利益,对荣彻底失望。All the misunderstanding honor the benefit of using his honor thoroughly frustrated,.

同时,他会将自己包装成身无长物,不值得别人谋取利用的模样,以避人耳目。Meanwhile, he disguises himself as a good-for-nothing who is unworthy being employed.

民意测验显示绝大多数人反对税收,是否会谋取额外利益尚待观察。Opinion polls, too, show a large majority opposed to the tax, revenue-neutral or not.

正因为如此,有几任总统便迎合公众不理智的预期,甚至借此而谋取本不属于自己职权。So several have sought dubious powers to meet the public’s unreasonable expectations.

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首先,政府应该遏制房地产市场囤积居奇以谋取暴利的行为。First, government should check the cornering and profiteering in the real estate market.

第二部分,从学理的角度对受贿罪的“为他人谋取利益”要件展开论述。The second part, from the Angle of the theory of corruption "seek interests for others".

到了傍晚时分,埃及的政治人物就开始着手为谋取官职做准备了。By evening, Egyptian politicians were beginning to position themselves to run for office.