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她眨着眼止住眼泪。She blinked to stop tears.

从大处和小处着眼。By thinking both big and small.

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她惊奇得瞪着眼发愣。She was pop-eyed with amazement.

沃尔特斜睨着眼找椅子,但是没找到。Walter squints vainly for a chair.

她露出笑脸,眨着眼控制住眼泪。She smiled, and blinked back tears.

一个坐在那里傻瞪着眼,活像一座木乃伊。That one sits staring like a mummy.

我问道,眯着眼透过雨幕看去。I asked, squinting through the rain.

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亚历克斯。李可以睁着眼打喷嚏。Alex Lee can sneeze with his eyes open.

现在我们着眼于其他的两个奖杯了。Now we're eying the other two trophies.

霍奇爷爷眯着眼问道。Grandpa Hodge asked, narrowing his eyes.

他的妻子王建新转着眼珠子说…His wife, Wang Jianxin, rolled her eyes.

她眨着眼挤泪珠,没说什么。She blinked away her tears saying nothing.

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她眨着眼挤去泪水,啥也不说。She blinked away her tears saying nothing.

那男孩有些吃惊地眨着眼看我。The boy blinked up at me in some surprise.

我揉搓着眼,妻子张美丽就在另一个沙发上。I rub eyes, a beautiful wife in another sofa.

她瞪着眼,红着脸,满腹狐疑,闭口不响。She stared, colored, doubted, and was silent.

她瞪着眼,红着脸,满腹狐疑,闭口不响。She stared, coloured, doubted, and was silent.

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着眼于人民,寄希望于人民。Keep the people in mind and place hopes on them.

特雷福闭着眼,娓娓背诵,“维基百科如是说。”Trevor closed his eyes and recited. “Wikipedia.”

仅仅着眼于数量并不能保证质量。Focusing on quantity alone does not ensure quality.