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匈奴王阿提拉曾令东欧人民胆寒。Attila struck terror into the people of Eastern Europe.

淡化万圣节那可怕,令人胆寒生畏的部分。Downplay the scary, chilling, creepy, parts of Halloween.

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妈妈说她立马心惊胆寒地拨打了我的电话。Mum said her blood ran cold and she dialed my number straight away.

一说起口蹄疫,英国农场主们就胆寒。Just the mention of foot-and-mouth leaves many British farmers with a chill.

他们令人胆寒的对立行为使他们很方便地成为书、电影和电视中的反面角色。Their chilling alien-ness makes them convenient villains in books, film, and television.

也就是说,谁将成为那个令人人胆寒畏惧的不愿与之交锋的球员呢?As in, who is going to be the bonafide player that no one is going to want to go against?

持续十二小时去做,如果要我一辈子去做这件事,我会胆寒。I can do something for twelve hours that would appall me if I had to keep it up for a lifetime.

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从双方热身的那一刻起,我们就希望红军骄傲的面对我们而对手心惊胆寒。When they come out to warm-up, we want our heroes' hearts pumping and the opposition shriveling.

但是,长途跋涉和无尽的恐怖,即使他们中间最为坚强的人也不免为之胆寒。Yet the long journey and the accumulated terrors had shaken the hearts of the stoutest among them.

如果连谈论朝鲜都有些不合时宜,那危机本身就更让人胆寒了。Yet, if talking about Korea is awkward now, it will be even more fraught in the teeth of a crisis.

他的正手杀伤力不在令人胆寒,已经被实力不断上升的纳达尔击败数次。His forehand suddenly wasn't as feared. His imperiousness had been punctured by the rise of Rafael Nadal.

整个舰队装备得既可扬帆远航,又可操浆划行,真是蔚为壮观,令人胆寒。The whole armada, equipped at once for sailing or propulsion by oars, was striking and formidable spectacle.

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虽然目前没有一个全球地震带不安全学校的可靠统计,地区的情况却是令人胆寒的清晰。While there is no reliable global tally of unsafe schools in quake zones, regional snapshots are chillingly clear.

日本大学入学考试有“考试地狱”之称,其竞争激烈程度让学生们心惊胆寒。Entry to Japanese universities is so competitive that teenagers live in dread of what's become known as "exam hell".

国家新兴中坚份子也腐败成性地虏去了更多的独立胜利果实,并让外国投资商变得更加心惊胆寒。A new elite corruptly took an ever greater share of the fruits of independence and outside investors became ever warier.

令人胆寒的雾从这具骨骼中散发出来。它漂浮在冰霜之云上,黑色的长袍飘荡在在这邪恶的形体外。Chilling mist billows from this skeletal figure. It floats on a cloud of frost, and black robes flow from its evil form.

他的话语令人胆寒,并激发人们热议委员会可能产生什么样的调查后果,但他拒绝说明详情。His chilling words have sparked intense speculation about the commission's likely findings, but he refuses to elaborate.

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假如游戏玩家你考虑让它们升级超级充能离子炮的话,它们将会是一支令人胆寒的部队。If you then consider that they can be augmented with the Super-Charged Particle Beam upgrade, they are a force to be feared.

那么这种胆寒会使我们踌躇不前、步履迟缓,知道我们确信平安才会更进一步。Then our sense of timidity can cause us to hesitate, to move slowly, and not to take a step until we know the ground is safe.

冉阿让,他,却待在黑影里,手中拿着他的铁烛钎,立着不动,望着这位全身光亮的老人,有些胆寒。Jean Valjean was in the shadow, and stood motionless , with his iron candlestick in his hand, frightened by this luminous old man.