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终于到家了。Home at last.

现在才终于明白…Now i understand.

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他终于叹口气。At last he sighed.

罗恩终于问道。Ron asked finally.

我终于知道啦。Now I finally know.

好的,它终于停了。All right. It stops.

那一天终于来到。The day finally came.

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他们终于说到点上了。Finally! They said it!

终于,我又肥佬左。Finally, I fail again.

谢天谢地,终于好了。Okay. Thanks, alright.

感天谢地,你终于来了。Thank God you've come!

后来我终于同意了。Then I finally agreed.

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终于开始逛商场了。Time to shop, finally.

嘉辉终于爆发了。Finally Adam burst out.

感谢上帝,你终于来了。Thank God, you're here.

那一笑终于盼来了!There comes that smile!

她终于睁开了眼睛。Finally her eyes opened.

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我终于看到她的眸子。I finally see her pupil.

我终于去见上帝了。I was with the Lord now.

嗳,上帝呀!我们终于到了。Oh, my God! Here we are!